Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Friday 7. Augt. !

Mrs. M. & self visited the Pier before Breakfast. Having now completed the several objects of my Tour to Newcastle, I ordered all our Baggage &c. to be shipped on board the Eliz:-Henrietta immediately after Breakfast, and that she should weigh & drop out with the Tide of Flood at 1/2 past 1 p.m the Wind being at S. East, which tho' rather scant, will do for us once we got a sufficient offing.

At 3 p.m the Elizabeth Henrietta, and also the Lady Nelson, having got out sufficiently far in the offing, we embarked in Capt. Wallis's Gig, accompanied by him, with two other Boats with our Suite & Servants, and another with the Band, under salutes from the Batteries; the Troops -- and working gangs being also drawn out in honor of our departure, and proceeded on board the Eliz-Henrietta, which we reached by Half past 3 -- when she immediately made sail (the Lady Nelson being in company) for Port Jackson. -- Capt. Wallis remained with us till at 5 o'clock and then took his leave of us; Lt. Macquarie and Ensn. Roberts having returned with him on shore to pass ten or Twelve Days more with him at Newcastle at his own particular request.---

The Wind heading us soon after we had made sail, we made very slow Progress during the Night. --- There was a heavy swell & jumbling Sea all night which made several of us sea sick -- particularly poor Mr. Cowper.---

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