Sunday 7. May 1815!!!
After Breakfast, all the Gentlemen and other People assembled for Prayers and Divine Service; but previous thereto they were all mustered for the purpose of witnessing my christening the new intended Town on this beautiful spot, which I accordingly named "Bathurst" in honor of the noble Earl of that name, now His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies. The British Union Jack was first hoisted on the new Flagg Staff on this auspicious occasion, the Military fired 3 Vollies and the whole of the People assembled ( -- being 75 in number) gave three Cheers in honor of the ceremony. --I prefaced it by complimenting Mr. Cox and Mr. Evans, and their respective Parties for discovering this fine Country, and afterwards facilitating our access to it so easily and overcoming such extraordinary difficulties in so doing. --The ceremony concluded by all of us drinking Prosperity to the new Town of Bathurst. ---
After Divine Service had been performed, I accompanied Mr. Cox, and Messrs. Oxley and Meehan the Surveyors, to lay down and mark out the lines of the town of Bathurst at the spot fixed on now here for that purpose, immediately in rear of the present Head Quarters; reserving a sufficient space next the River for a small Government Domain, extending Half a mile in front and a quarter of a mile in Depth. I also had marked out immediately in rear of the Flagg Staff the Spot intended for the Government House being erected on hereafter.
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