Saturday 6. May !
Got up early and Breakfasted at 8 o'clock. -- Mounted our Horses at 10 o'clock, Mrs. M. forming one of the Party, and set out on an Excursion to explore the remaining parts of Bathurst Plains on the North side of the River. -- We crossed them from the Ford in a Diagonal direction, our course being nearly North East till we reached a rich fertile Valley near the foot of the Mountains with a very pretty Brook of fine fresh Water running through the middle of it. -- This Valley runs about 7 or 8 miles in length and from a quarter to Half a mile in breadth, with very fine Pasture land on the Hills Skirting it. I have named this Valley "Winbourn-Dale", and the Rivulet running through it "Winbourn-Brook". -- We rode over some very fine Tracts of Land this day fit for both Cultivation and Pasture, and most eligible for Farms of both descriptions. -- On return we saw some Emus and Kangaroos; some of the Party Hunted the latter, and the Dogs came up with and caught one. Arrived at Head Quarters at 1 p.m. after a very pleasant ride of about 12 miles, much pleased with our Excursion. Wishing to explore the South side of the Macquarie River to the Eastward of the Dept for 4 or [text missing] miles, I set out again at 2 p.m. along with Mr. Cox and some other gentlemen for this purpose, leaving Mrs. M. at home, who was a little tired after her morning's ride. -- We rode along the Left Bank of the River over a Tract of very fine rich fertile Land fit for any purpose, for about Five Miles to a large beautiful Reach of the River, where we saw a large Swan and many Ducks swimming. -- I fired at the Black Swan with my Pistol but missed it. --From this part of the River we returned Home by a back line over fine Hills and Valleys fit for Cultivation and Pasture. --Returned to Head Quarters at 4 o'clock from my last Excursion after a pleasant ride of Ten Miles. We dined at 5 and spent the Evening as usual. ---
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