Tuesday 2. May !
Got up early and walked out for a mile in front to view the Road. -- On my way back had a very fine view of "Mount Evans" distant about 7 or 8 miles to the North West of our present Ground. Sent off our heavy Baggage at 8 o'clock. -- Breakfasted at 9, and set out on Horse-back with Mrs. M. at 10 o'clock. Halted on the top of a High Hill about two miles from the Fish River to give Mrs. M. an opportunity of seeing Mount Evans, -- and taking a Sketch of it; which having done we pursued our Journey. Halted at Sidmouth Valley at 1/2 past 12 o'clock, and Encamped here for this day in order to rest our Cattle; the Water and Grass being both good and abundant here. -- The distance between the Fish River and Sidmouth Valley is only 8 miles -- but the Country we have this day passed over is very hilly. -- Dined at 5 -- and went early to Bed.--- N.B. Sir Jno. Jamison was lost for some Hours this Evening returning from Fishing in the River, by missing his way in the Woods, but arrived in Camp about 8 o'clock with a large String of Fine Fish and 2 Water Moles caught in the Fish-River near our present Ground.---
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