Monday 1. May !
Sent off our heavy Baggage between 7 and 8 o'clock this morning. -- Breakfasted at 8 and set out in the Carriage at 9 o'clock. -- Mrs. M. and myself mounted our Horses at the foot of the first High Hill near Mount Blaxland, it being excessively steep and long, for which reason I have named it "Fag-Hill". -- A range of very lofty Hills and Narrow Valleys, alternately, form the Tract of Country lying between Cox's River and the Fish-River, which tract I have named "Clarence's Hilly Range" in honor of H.R. Highness The Duke of Clarence. -- This was a very trying heavy Stage for our Cattle, there being such numerous steep ascents and Descents the whole way. -- We arrived at the Fish River at 3 p.m. after a fatiguing and tiresome Journey of 16 miles, halting on the Left Bank of the River. Some of our heavy Baggage did not get up to the Ground till 7 o'clock at Night. -- We dined at 1/2 past 5 o'clock, and had some very fine Fish out of the River for Dinner. -- Retired early to Bed.---
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