Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Friday 19. May 1815 !

We got up at Day-break, and set [out] from Mrs. King's Farm at 10 minutes after 7 o'clock this morning, arriving at Government House at Parramatta at 5 minutes past 9 o'clock; distance from last Night's Stage being 16 miles -- and from Emu Ford to Mrs. King's Farm 6 miles. -- At Parramatta Mrs. M. received Letters from Mrs. Redfern giving us most pleasing and highly gratifying accounts of our beloved darling Son's State of Health and general improvement. -- Mrs. M. had received Letters from Mrs. Redfern twice before to the same effect whilst on our Journey back from Bathurst; the first time between the Campbell River and Sidmouth Valley --and the second time immediately on our crossing the River Nepean yesterday at Woodriff's Farm. -- We Breakfasted at Parramatta, and had the pleasure of seeing Capt. Gill of the 46th. and Mr. Wm. Wentworth there who gave us all the Sydney News. -- After viewing the several Improvements going on at Parramatta, and giving our Horses a rest of 3 1/2 Hours there, we set out at 10 minutes before 1 o'clock from thence for Sydney -- where we arrived at Half past 2 o'clock, finding our dear Infant, and all our Concerns there, entirely to our satisfaction.---


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