Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


Project Overview

Historical Background

Chronology 1809 - 1822

ALL Project

Thursday 18. May !

Sent off our Baggage from Spring Field [sic] between 7 and 8 o'clock, and breakfasted at 8 this morning -- I had the initials of my name and this day of the month cut on a very large Blood-Wood Tree on the South side of the Road, close to where my Tent was Pitched at Spring Field [sic], to note our departure thence. This tree was 60 feet high and 14 feet 2 inches in circumference. ---

We set out in the carriage from Spring Wood at half past 9 o'clock; and having halted at the First Dept for about Half an Hour, we reached the foot of the Blue Mountains at the 3 Mile Tree at 12 o'clock. -- Here we mounted our Horses and rode across Emu Plains to Emu Ford, which Mrs. M. and myself crossed on Horse-back -- it being very safe and good -- and the Water of the Nepean River here now not being above Six Inches high. -- We went into our Carriage again at Capt. Woodriff's Farm on the Nepean; taking leave here of Mr. Cox, Sir Jno. Jamison, Mr. Oxley and Mr. Secry. Campbell for the present; the rest of our Party having accompanied us. -- From Capt. Woodriff's Farm to Mrs. King's we went in the Carriage -- and arrived at the latter Place at Half past one o'clock, and here we found Mr. Hassall waiting for us; it being our intention to take up our Quarters for this night at Mrs. King's Farm. ---

N.B. I have named the first ascent from Emu Plains to the Blue Mountains, and which is near a mile long, "Emu Hill". -- It is very easy to ascend and descend this Hill in a Carriage, the Road being very good the whole of the way. ---

Mr. Hassall provided a most excellent Dinner for us at Mrs. King's Overseer's House, and to which we sat down at 5 o'clock, Drank Tea at 7, and went to Bed at 9 o'clock. Besides Mr. Hassall, Major Antill, Lieut. Watts, Doctor Redfern, and Mr. Lewin dined with us. ---

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