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Macquarie University.
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Tuesday 20th.
---It rained a good deal last Night, but our Tents being water-tight, we did not get wet ,and slept very comfortably. ---It continued also to rain all this morning, which prevented our moving so soon as we intended. ---Whilst we were at Breakfast we received a visit from Mrs. McArthur, who had just crossed the River from the Cow Pastures on her way back to Parramatta. ---The Rain having ceased we broke up our Camp, and set out on our Journey at Half past 11 o'clock, for St. Andrews, the Seat and Estate of the late Andw. Thompson Esqr. on the Bunbury Curran Creek, where we propose passing a couple of days for the purpose of exploring that particular part of the Country, as well as the lands lying between Bunburry Curran and George's River. Mrs. M. and myself went in the Carriage as far as Mr. Riley's Farm, six miles from the Ford, on the left of the Road from the Nepean to Parramatta; and leaving Mrs. M. in the Carriage at this Place, I mounted my Horse and set out at 1 p.m. to explore the Country for some miles on either side of the South Creek; being accompanied by Capts. Antill & Cleaveland, Ensn. Maclaine, Dr. Redfern, Warlby the Guide and two Dragoons. ---We travelled in a westerly direction first for about Four miles, crossing the South Creek about a mile to the Westward of where we left the Carriage, through the Minto and Cooks Districts; thence about Five miles, nearly in a Northerly direction, through the Bringelly District, till our further progress was arrested by meeting with a deep Creek that runs East and West, and falls into the South Creek at its eastern extremity; we followed this Creek till its junction with the South Creek, which last we crossed a little above its confluence with the other, travelling first in an Easterly direction and afterwards in a South East direction for about Six miles through the Cabramatta District. The Country we first travelled through in Cook's District was very hilly and poor Land, neither good for Tillage nor Pasturage. ---The Land I rode through in the Bringelly District was rather of a superior Quality and not so hilly as the other, but far from being very good Land for Cultivation. After recrossing the South Creek into the Cabramatta District, the Land changes much for the better; and near the confluence of the two creeks, on the East side of the South Creek, it is most excellent for either Tillage or Pasturage for a considerable extent along the Creek ---perhaps for about three miles ---; being generally very Level for a quarter of a mile from the Creek but gradually rising at that distance to gentle Eminences fit for the Buildings & Corn Yards of Settlers; the Plains on the Banks of the Creek being frequently flooded in the rainy Seasons. ---After surveying these Lands, we directed our steps again to Mr. Riley's Farm, where we arrived at 4 p.m. after a ride of about Fifteen miles, finding Mrs. M. waiting for us where we left her. ---We then set out immediately for St. Andrews in the Carriage, the rest of our Party attending us on Horseback; and after a very pleasant easy ride of about 5 miles from Mr. Riley's Farm, arrived at Mr. Thompson's House at St. Andrews about a Quarter before 5 o'clock in the Evening; our Servants and Baggage having arrived there at the same time with ourselves. ---Mrs. M. was much pleased with the beautiful situation of this Farm, the Picturesque scenes arround [sic] it, and the great order and regularity in which the worthy deceased owner of it had left it in, notwithstanding he had had possession of it only for about 8 or nine months previous to his much lamented Death. He had built an excellent Farm House with suitable Offices, Garden, Stock Yards &c. &c. felled a great Quantity of Timber and cleared and enclosed a Field of Ten acres for Corn, a great part of which had already been sown. ---His Horned Cattle consisting of about Ninety Head, and his sheep consisting of about Fourteen Hundred, we found in very high order and most excellent condition as I ever saw any Cattle in, in any Country I have visited. ---We found the Farm-House very clean and in very neat order; the overseer, Joseph Ward and his Wife, being a very decent Couple and seemingly very careful of their late good Master's interests. ---Here we were plentifully supplied with Mutton, Fowls, Butter, Milk, Eggs, and Vegetables; and could not help making the melancholy reflection how much more happy we should have been and felt ourselves here had the kind and valuable deceased owner of this Estate been alive on it now to receive and entertain us under his hospitable Roof! ---This reflection affected Mrs. M. and myself deeply -- for we both had a most sincere and affectionate esteem for our good and most lamented departed friend Andrew Thompson! --- But alas! how vain are our regrets! ---He is lost to the world and to us forever --- and we must console ourselves with the well grounded hope that he is happier now than if he had remained amongst us! ----
We sat down at half past six o'clock to a most excellent Dinner at St. Andrews, and drank to the memory of our lamented deceased Friend Andrew Thompson! ----
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