Journeys in Time
1809 1810 1811
1812 1815 1818
1820 1821 1822


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Chronology 1809 - 1822

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Copyright © 1998
Macquarie University.
All rights reserved.

Monday 19th.
---Having seen all the Land in this Neighbourhood and also several different Herds (amounting in all perhaps to about 600 Head) of the Wild Cattle, I determined on breaking up our little Camp at Bundie this morning after Breakfast and recrossing the Nepean, after viewing the Land to the Northward of Mr. McArthur's Farms on this same side of the River. ---We all set out accordingly at half past 9 o'clock, having left our Baggage and Servants to follow us leisurely to the River. We called at Benkennie on Mrs. McArthur, with whom we sat for a little while in a small miserable Hut, and then pursued our way to the Ford, where we arrived at 11 o'clock; and having sent the Carriage across, we mounted our Horses to look at the Country in this Neighbourhood for a few miles to the Northward. --- We rode through some tolerable good Land but generally very inferior to that to the Southward; --- Our Excursion extended only to Hunter's Creek, about 4 miles to the North West of the Ford, and from thence we came back by a different route. -- No Wild Cattle were seen in this ride, tho' it was evident from their traces and Dung that they had been grazing lately in this part of the Country. ---We got back to the Ford at Half past 1 o'clock and found our Servants and Baggage just arrived there and in the act of crossing it; which they took a great while in performing, one of the Carts having broken down in the middle of the River. --- Having marked out the Ground for our Camp on the East side of the River, where we had resolved to halt for a Night; I set out, accompanied by Capt. Antill, and my Guide Warlby, to explore the Country to the Southward on the Right Bank of the Nepean River; --- leaving Mrs. Macquarie in Camp, with the rest of our Suite excepting Mr. Blaxland, who took his leave of us to return home as soon as we crossed the River. --- It was 2 o'clock when I set out, and we rode at a pretty smart rate for an hour and a half, which brought us to a part of the Country called by the natives Nowenong, immediately opposite to Manangle Mr. Davidson's Farm, at which we had been yesterday; -- and from this Point I rode along the Bank of the River for about a mile farther up, to where the Bed of it becomes much wider, but the Right Bank begins to be rocky; and it appearing very rough and barren as far as I could see along this side of the River and for a great way to the Eastward of it, I did not think it necessary to extend my Excursion farther to the Southward; the more especially as my further progress was unexpectedly interrupted by a deep Gully or Creek extending from the River in an Easterly direction. The distance I rode from the Ford to this Point of the River, I calculated to be about Seven Miles, having been compelled to travel by a very circuitous route, owing to the numerous Swamps, Creeks, and Lagoons we were obliged to wind round in the course of our ride. ---The Country I rode through was generally very indifferent, and unfit for Tillage, but some of it is good Pasturage, and we met some Herds of Black Cattle and some Flocks of Sheep belonging to Mr. Robert Campbell of Sydney grazing in Nowenong not far from the Banks of the River. --- In going to the River we passed close to the Foot of the High Hill of Bajelling leaving it on our left, and we returned nearly the same way to Camp, but by a shorter route to avoid the Bendings of the River, Lagoons, and Swamps we had to wind round in coming to Nowenong. ---We arrived at our Tents which we found ready Pitched at Kirboowallie (the Native name of the Country near the Ford over the Nepean) at half past Four o'clock after a ride of at least 12 miles to and from Nowenong. ---We found Mrs. M. and the rest of our Party all well in Camp, and a good Dinner ready waiting for us, to which we all sat down with very keen appetites. ---After dinner Mrs. M. and myself took a walk along the Road leading from the River to enjoy the cool of the Evening and the tranquil scenes of the Forest around us! ---

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