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31 October 1809
On the 31st.. in the evening Coll.. M. & I were walking on Deck when Thomas Jackson fell from the fore top Mast Rigging on the Forecastle, and fractured his skull; which occasion'd his immediate death. [H]e was a very active good temper'd young Man, and a great favorite with the Sailors; they were much affected with the accident, & some of them shed tears. This young Man had been rather addicted to drink, when Coll.. M. & Captn.. P. passed him at quarters the Captn.. said I dont think you are quite as you should be. [H]e seem'd offended, & said, you always look hard at me Sir. [I]t is supposed from this circumstance that his being in drink occasion'd this dreadful accident. [N]ext morning his Body was committed to the deep, Mr.. Bent who had been rather unwell for sometime, with his usual kindness on these occasions perform'd the Service; the weather was extremely cold, & I have no doubt that this exertion was partly the cause of his being taken extremely ill, his situation was very alarming for sometime, & we all felt great uneasiness on his account, but happily for us all, as well as his own family, he recover'd; which in a great measure must be attributed to the extraordinary attention Mr.. Carter Surgeon of the 73d.. paid him, & the skill with which he treated his complaint. ----

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