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16 June 1809
Friday 16th_ We visited the Church of the Lady of the Mount, above two miles up the Hill, Captain Grant of the 11th_ was so good as to accompany us, he is an extremely pleasant Man, has made himself perfect master of the Portuguese language, & seems intimately acquainted with the Inhabitants of the place, even the Nuns at the different Convents seem to be his intimate friends -- his manners are certainly calculated to conciliate the affections of every person with whom he associates; -- I was carried up the mountain in a Hammock, the appearance of which seem'd to shock Coll.. M. not a little; this did not altogether displease me, as he said I look'd exactly like a corpse, so I flatter'd myself as he did not like my resemblance; that he had no wish to see me in that state, & to tell the truth I never dreaded that he had, as he is not of a nature to wish ill to any one, much less his own wife; who indeed during this voyage has been a troublesome charge, for at the time my illness required the attendance of a maid; I never saw mine; being confined by Sea Sickness below, in so much, that for days together I never saw her. ----

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