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12 June 1809
Sunday 12th.. June -- Anchor'd early this morning in Funchal Roads, in the Island of Madeira, within a mile of the shore; after passing a hazardous night sailing among the [D]eserters [sic], having mistaken those Islands for that of Madeira -- We landed in the afternoon at the Town of Funchal, and went by invitation to reside at the House of Henry Veitch Esqr_ British Consul at Madeira; we were received and entertain'd with much hospitality by Mr.. & Mrs.. Veitch, & their [***] an elderly Man[.] Mr.. Veitch, who appears to me a most hospitable pleasant man, I took quite a likening to him, but I am sorry to remark in him what I believe is seldom to be found in a Scotch man, that a long residence in a foreign country seems to have deprived him of that natural love for his Country which I should wish every good man to live and die with. --[H]e has been fourty [sic] years resident at Madeira, & only once during that time at home -- he has now outlived all his very old friends, & seems to have no idea of returning again; as often as I think of this man I must think of one who knows how to pay the most gentlemanlike civility & attention to strangers, without the smallest apparent effort. My bad state of health prevented my being able to see much of the Island of Madeira, & what I regretted much more I fear I prevented Colonel Macquarie partaking of many invitations which could not fail to be agreeable. ----

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