Macquarie University is partnering with Teachstone, based in Virginia, USA, to offer a combined CLASS-Infant and CLASS-Toddler training, 3-day training program. Participants (limited to 15) will be able to gain Observer Certification for both instruments.


Dates: Monday 11th to Wednesday 13th of November, 2019.

Location: Room 123, 29 Wallys Walk, Macquarie University, North Ryde, NSW.


  • The Classroom Assessment Scoring System® (CLASS) is a set of observation tools developed by researchers Robert Pianta and colleagues in the United States. These tools provide an objective way to measure teacher-student interactions in Toddler, Preschool. Primary and Secondary school classrooms across three domains: Emotional Support, Classroom Organisation, and Instructional Support.
  • The Infant CLASS Infant measure is specifically designed for children from birth through 18 months. Observations focus on one domain, Responsive Caregiving, comprised of four dimensions: Relational Climate, Teacher Sensitivity, Facilitated Exploration, and Engaged Support for Learning.
  • During this 3-day, on-site CLASS® Observation Training, participants will build an in- depth understanding of the CLASS system and learn to accurately observe and code classrooms using the CLASS observation tool.
  • Explicit instruction and guided practice using authentic classroom videos help those attending prepare to take and pass the CLASS Reliability Test, which follows this training. Those who pass reliability testing are certified to use the CLASS measure in classroom observations for one year.

Cost per person is AUD $3,650 including 10% GST

Includes: - Training materials - 2-month video library subscription - Online reliability test for both age groups - Lunch each day


Places are limited to 15 participants, so please register as soon as possible by emailing with the following information:

  • Name
  • Place of Work
  • Contact Details
  • Relevant Experience

Registrations will close 5pm 1st October, 2019.


You can read more about the CLASS infant here:

If you have specific queries relating to the training please contact Professor Linda Harrison at Macquarie University

CLASS Observation Training Flyer