Macquarie University is proud to celebrate these events with the community.
02.09.2012 - Music on Winter Sundays – The Occasional Performing Sinfonia (TOPS)
Photo by: Karen Steains
TOPS is a Sydney-based orchestra that presents large symphonic works rarely tackled by amateur orchestras. TOPS plays in venues such as Sydney Town Hall and occasionally tours regional NSW.
Program: Stay tuned ...
Time/Date: 2.30pm, Sunday 2 September 2012
Venue:Lotus Theatre, Macquarie University
Building W6D (between X5B and W6B - enter via Wally's Walk)
Parking free in W4 / X3 car parks.
Campus map
Cost: Free
Free parking in X3 and W4 are the closest carparks. Alternatively, visit: for sustainable transport options to the campus
Bookings essential : Bookings essential: Book online at: or phone Macquarie University Community Relations on (02) 9850 1380
More about TOPS:
12.08.2012 - Music on Winter Sundays – New South Wales Police Band
Photo by: NSW Police Force
NSW Police Band
The very first notes of the Police Band were blown in February, 1895 in the rehearsal rooms at the Central Police Barracks in Belmore Park, Sydney. They have since produced numerous albums including Cop This! And Police Band Swings.
Program: Stay tuned ...
Time/Date: 2.30pm, Sunday 12 August 2012
Venue:Lotus Theatre, Macquarie University
Building W6D (between X5B and W6B - enter via Wally's Walk)
Parking free in W4 / X3 car parks.
Campus map
Cost: Free
Free parking in X3 and W4 are the closest carparks. Alternatively, visit: for sustainable transport options to the campus
Bookings essential : Bookings essential: Book online at: or phone Macquarie University Community Relations on (02) 9850 1380
NSW Police Band website:
26.07.2012 - Colloquium Lecture Series
In keeping with our commitment to offer lifelong learning opportunities, we are pleased to announce the 2012 Macquarie Colloquium Series. This year's series will showcase 4 of Macquarie University's Distinguished Alumni and Professors.
These events will be held either on campus in North Ryde, as well as in the Sydney CBD and we welcome alumni and members of the general public (more details below).
Colloquium Lecture no.4: "What the Australian Community thinks about Climate Change"Climate Change Commissioner, Tim Flannery is an internationally acclaimed scientist, explorer and conservationist, he has published more than 130 peer-reviewed scientific papers. His books include the landmark works The Future Eaters, The Weather Makers and Here on Earth.
After 16 months as chief climate commissioner Tim Flannery made 16 visits to regional Australia to engage with the community about climate change. What he learned was unexpected, and very different from what you read in the media.
When: Thursday 26 July 2012
Where:Level 3, C10A, Campus Hub Building, Macquarie University, North Ryde Campus.
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm (6:15pm for registration) Join us for light refreshments from 7:30pm.
Cost: FREE - everyone welcome
RSVP: Registrations are essential. To register for this event, please click here
Click here to view a map of the campus
For more information please contact us via email or phone us on (02) 9850 7310.
08.07.2012 - Music on Winter Sundays – Ku-ring-gai Male Choir
Come join us at Macquarie theatre for our series of free concerts in May. Enliven your Sunday afternoons with fellow Macquarie friends, students and graduates.
Photo by: Ross Middleton
Ku-ring-gai Male Choir
The Ku-ring-gai Male Choir is one of the oldest performing male voice choirs in Australia. Founded by ex-servicemen following the Second World War, the choir has been in harmony since 1946 and today has over 45 performing members.
Program: Stay tuned
Time/Date: 2.30pm, Sunday 8 July 2012
Venue: Lotus Theatre, Macquarie University
Building W6D (between X5B and W6B - enter via Wally's Walk)
Parking free in W4 / X3 car parks.
Campus map
Cost:: Free
Free Parking in X3 and W4 are the closest carparks. Alternatively, visit: for sustainable transport options to the campus.
Bookings essential : Bookings essential: Book online at: or phone Macquarie University Community Relations on (02) 9850 1380
Ku-ring-gai Male Choir website:
19.06.2012 - Colloquium Lecture Series
In keeping with our commitment to offer lifelong learning opportunities, we are pleased to announce the 2012 Macquarie Colloquium Series. This year's series will showcase 4 of Macquarie University's Distinguished Alumni and Professors.
These events will be held either on campus in North Ryde, as well as in the Sydney CBD and we welcome alumni and members of the general public (more details below).
Colloquium Lecture no.3: "Colloquium Lecture no. 3: "The Economic Outlook - What does it mean for interest rates, the Australian dollar and shares?"Guest Speaker: Dr Shane Oliver
A regular media commentator, Shane is Chief Economist and Head of Investment Strategy, AMP Capital and focuses on issues and trends affecting the economy and financial markets.
When: Tuesday 19 June 2012
Where:MGSM Sydney CBD Campus - Level 7, 37 Pitt Street, Sydney.
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm (6:15pm for registration) Join us for light refreshments from 7:30pm.
Cost: FREE - everyone welcome
RSVP: Registrations are essential. To register for this event, please click here
Click here to view a map of the campus
Upcoming lectures:
26 July 2012: Professor Tim Flannery - "What the Australian Community thinks about Climate Change"
All lectures run from 6:30pm - 7:30pm and include question time from audience members. Guests are welcome to stay on for light refreshments after each lecture.
For more information please contact us via email or phone us on (02) 9850 7310.
03.06.2012 - Music on Winter Sundays – Ambulance Service of New South Wales Concert Band
Photo by Ian Brew
The Ambulance Service of New South Wales Band is proud to celebrate its 28th anniversary since commissioned by the Ambulance Service.
One of their most popular Musical Ensembles returns in 2012 with more sparkling and diverse music from the Wind Band repertoire. Ranging from classical and modern Wind Band repertoire to selections from famous Broadway musicals, and featuring some talented soloists, the Band will demonstrate a wide range of musical talents and skills.
So come along to a musically heart-warming programme on a cold Winter’s day!
- Conductor and Director of Music: Deputy Superintendant Robert Jock Heath LRAM,ARCM,LGSM
- Time/Date: : 2.30pm, Sunday 3 June 2012
- Venue: Lotus Theatre, Macquarie University Building W6D (between X5B and W6B - enter via Wally's Walk) Parking free in W4 / X3 car parks. Campus map
- Cost: Free
- Free parking: in X3 and W4 are the closest carparks. Alternatively, visit: for sustainable transport options to the campus
- Bookings essential: Book online at: or phone Macquarie University Community Relations on (02) 9850 1380
26.05.2012 - Macquarie University Singers - Mozart’s Requiem and Handel's Coronation Anthems
Macquarie University’s Choir in Residence
Macquarie University’s Choir in Residence
We invite you to experience the first MUS concert for 2012 featuring Mozart’s Requiem and the much anticipated return of Tim Chung as conductor.
Due to the refurbishment of the Macquarie Theatre at the Macquarie University campus, this concert will be on at the Turramurra Uniting Church.
Mozart's Requiem
Handel's Coronation Anthems incl.
- Zadok the Priest
- Let They Hand be Strengthened
- The King Shall Rejoice
- My Heart is Inditing
- Time/Date: 7.30pm, Saturday 26 May 2012
- Venue: Turramurra Uniting Church 10 Turramurra Avenue Turramurra
- Tickets Tickets $30, Conc.$25, Students $15
- Bookings through MCA Ticketing 1300 306 776 or
- Parking next to the church
More about the Macquarie University Singers:
24.05.2012 - Colloquium Lecture Series
In keeping with our commitment to offer lifelong learning opportunities, we are pleased to announce the 2012 Macquarie Colloquium Series. This year's series will showcase 4 of Macquarie University's Distinguished Alumni and Professors.
These events will be held either on campus in North Ryde, as well as in the Sydney CBD and we welcome alumni and members of the general public (more details below).
Colloquium Lecture no.2: "Big History"Guest Speaker: Associate Professor Catherine McMahon
David is working in collaboration with Bill Gates (THE Bill Gates) on the creation of a free on-line high school syllabus in big history.
The syllabus weaves evidence and insights from many scientific and historical disciplines and explores who we are, how we got here, how we are connected to everything around us, and where we may be heading.
When: Thursday 24 May 2012
Where: Level 3, C10A, Campus Hub Building, Macquarie University, North Ryde Campus.
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm (6:15pm for registration) Join us for light refreshments from 7:30pm.
Cost: FREE - everyone welcome
RSVP: Registrations are essential. To register for this event, please click here
Click here to view a map of the campus
Upcoming lectures:
19 June 2012: Dr. Shane Oliver - "The Economic Outlook - What does it mean for interest rates, the Australian dollar and shares?"
26 July 2012: Professor Tim Flannery - "What the Australian Community thinks about Climate Change"
All lectures run from 6:30pm - 7:30pm and include question time from audience members. Guests are welcome to stay on for light refreshments after each lecture.
For more information please contact us via email or phone us on (02) 9850 7310.
20.05.2012 - Movies at Macquarie: ‘Great Expectations’
Event Information
- Sunday 20 May 2012, 6pm
- Free admission
- Registration is required
- Drinks and snacks on sale in the foyer
- Parking fees apply (tickets can be purchased from vending machines in carparks)
- Venue: Building W6D, Lotus theatre, Macquarie University
- Building W6D (between X5B and W6B - enter via Wally's Walk) Campus map
- To register click here
For more information, click here or contact the Marketing Unit on (02) 9850 1883.
29.04.2012 - Movies at Macquarie: ‘Lake Eyre - Australia's Outback Wonder’
Event Information
- Sunday 29 April 2012, 6pm
- Free admission
- Registration is required
- Drinks and snacks on sale in the foyer
- Parking fees apply (tickets can be purchased from vending machines in carparks)
- Venue: Building W6D, Lotus theatre, Macquarie University
- Building W6D (between X5B and W6B - enter via Wally's Walk) Campus map
- To register click here
For more information, click here or contact the Marketing Unit on (02) 9850 1883.
19.04.2012 - Colloquium Lecture Series
In keeping with our commitment to offer lifelong learning opportunities, we are pleased to announce the 2012 Macquarie Colloquium Series. This year's series will showcase 4 of Macquarie University's Distinguished Alumni and Professors.
These events will be held either on campus in North Ryde, as well as in the Sydney CBD and we welcome alumni and members of the general public (more details below).
Colloquium Lecture no.1: "Precise timing in hearing and hearing-related disorders"Guest Speaker: Associate Professor Catherine McMahon
Associate Professor Catherine McMahon is the Head of Audiology at Macquarie University and the Vice President of Audiology Australia, the peak professional body for audiologists. Catherine was a core part of the team that bid for the $40 million 2008 DEST grant formerly known as the Higher Education Endowment Fund for the "Hearing Hub", expected to be established in 2013, and was part of the interview team for the successful $37 million HEARing CRC (implemented in 2007).
When: Thursday 19 April 2012
Where:MGSM Sydney CBD Campus - Level 7, 37 Pitt Street, Sydney.
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm (6:15pm for registration) Join us for light refreshments from 7:30pm.
Cost: FREE - everyone welcome
RSVP: Registrations are essential. To register for this event, please click here
24 May 2012: Professor David Christian - "Big History"
19 June 2012: Dr. Shane Oliver - "The Economic Outlook - What does it mean for interest rates, the Australian dollar and shares?"
26 July 2012: Professor Tim Flannery - "What the Australian Community thinks about Climate Change"
All lectures run from 6:30pm - 7:30pm and include question time from audience members. Guests are welcome to stay on for light refreshments after each lecture.
For more information please contact us via email or phone us on (02) 9850 7310.
25.03.2012 - Balmain Sinfonia Concert
Photographer: Marcos Julius
Macquarie University's Orchestra-in-residence
- Date: Sunday 25 March, 2012
- Time: 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
- Venue: New Lotus Theatre, W6D (between X5B and W6B - enter via Wally's Walk) Balaclava Road, North Ryde, Macquarie University
- Parking: Free parking is provided for concert patrons in the uncovered carparks in W4 and X3 only. Alternatively, sustainable transport options are available to the campus. A map of the university can be found here
Bruckner: Symphony No. 4 (Romantic)
Schumann: Genoveva Overture
Mozart: Symphony No. 40
Bruckner: Symphony No. 4
For further information, contact: Gary Stavrou on (02) 9810-5080 or email
More details about the Balmain Sinfonia
18.03.2012 - Movies at Macquarie: ‘Inside Job’
Event Information
- Sunday 18 March 2012, 6pm
- Free admission
- Registration is required
- Drinks and snacks on sale in the foyer
- Parking fees apply (tickets can be purchased from vending machines in carparks)
- Venue: Building W6D, Lotus theatre, Macquarie University
- Building W6D (between X5B and W6B - enter via Wally's Walk) Campus map
- To register click here
For more information, click here or contact the Marketing Unit on (02) 9850 1883.
11.12.2011 - Balmain Sinfonia Concert
Macquarie University's Orchestra-in-residence
Balmain Sinfonia will perform an engaging program that includes:
- Mozart - Don Giovanni Overture
- Mozart - Divertimento No. 1
- Haydn - Symphony No. 83
- Beethoven - Symphony No. 7
- Location: Building X5B, Theatre 1
- Time: 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
- Date: Sunday 11 December, 2011
- Cost: $20, $15 concession.
- Parking: Free parking is provided for concert patrons in the uncovered carparks in W4 and X3 only. Alternatively, sustainable transport options are available to the campus.
For further information, contact: Gary Stavrou on (02) 9810-5080 or email
A map of the university can be found here
30.10.2011 - Movies at Macquarie: The Social Network
Event Information
- Sunday 30 October at 6pm
- Free admission
- Registration is required
- Drinks and snacks on sale in the foyer
- Parking fees apply (Tickets can be purchased from vending machines in carparks)
- Venue: Building Y3A, Theatre 1, Macquarie University
- To resigter click here
- If you would like more information about other events at Macquarie University, visit the events calendar or contact the Marketing Unit on (02) 9850 1883.
On an autumn night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a communication revolution. Six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history, but his success comes at a price-both legally and personally.
After the movie:
Dr Alex Munt from the Department of Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studies will discuss The Social Network in relation to the film's screen play written by Aaron Sorkin (creator of The West Wing). Munt's focus will be on narration, characterisation and literary adaptation, with the film based on the book The Accidental Billionaires by Ben Mezrich. Munt is a filmmaker and practice-led researcher in creative screen media. His research interests include digital cinema, alternative screenwriting and adaptation studies.
18.09.2011 - Movies at Macquarie: Inception
Event Information
- Sunday 18 September at 6pm
- Free admission
- Registration is required
- Drinks and snacks on sale in the foyer
- Parking fees apply (Tickets can be purchased from vending machines in carparks)
- Venue: Building Y3A, Theatre 1, Macquarie University
- To resigter click here
- If you would like more information about other events at Macquarie University, visit the events calendar or contact the Marketing Unit on (02) 9850 1883.
In a world where technology is able to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption which sees him executing his toughest job to date.
After the movie:
Dr Doris McIlwain from the Department of Psychology and Professor John Sutton from the Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science will discuss dreaming, technology, and the manipulation of minds. McIlwain and Sutton will lead discussion on themes from Inception, including mind-hacking and mind control, neuro-technology, place and time in dreams, and the connections between grief and memory.
McIlwain is a psychologist with expertise in the unconscious, personality, mourning, and dreams. Her research suggests that emotions influence the texture of our inner life, access to our personal past, how vividly we dream and imagine the future. Sutton's research is on the philosophy of memory and time, and on the extension of the mind by technological and cultural artefacts.
18.08.2011 - The Macquarie Colloquim Series 2011 – Lecture 4: Professor Naguib Kanawati
In keeping with our commitment to offer lifelong learning opportunities, we are pleased to introduce a new event this year. The Macquarie Colloquium Series will run fortnightly throughout July and August and in its first year will showcase 4 of Macquarie University’s Distinguished Professors. These events will be held both on campus in North Ryde, as well as in the Sydney CBD and we welcome alumni and members of the general public.
The format for each of the 4 events will be as follows:
- 6.00pm Registrations and refreshments
- 6.30pm 45 minutes lecture followed by 15 minutes for questions from the floor
- 7.30pm Event close
Lecture 4: Professor Naguib Kanawati (Arts) – 6.30pm Thursday 18 August – MGSM City
A Family Affair from Ancient Egypt: Recently Discovered Cases
In the tombs from Ancient Egypt, children are regularly represented in the wall scenes of their parents’ tombs. Parents however, are seldom depicted by their children in their own tombs.
Join Professor Kanawati as he examines the possible reasons for this phenomenon and shows three highly unusual cases of filial affection, recently discovered by Macquarie University in Upper Egypt.
Speaker Profile:
Professor Naguib Kanawati is an Egyptologist with a special interest in the Old Kingdom. He graduated BA in History and Archaeology and MA in Egyptology at the University of Alexandria, Egypt and obtained his PhD in Egyptology from Macquarie University. After six years of teaching Near-Eastern History at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, he came to Macquarie University in 1980 as Lecturer in Egyptology and in 1990 was appointed to a Personal Chair in Egyptology. In 1981 he established the Rundle Foundation for Egyptian Archaeology (now with 600 members) and in 1989 he established the Australian Centre for Egyptology and remains its Director. In 1997 Kanawati was elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and in 2003 he received the Centenary Medal “for services to the Australian society and the humanities in the study of archaeology”.
Date: Thursday 18 August 2011
Time: Doors open 6pm. Event 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Venue: MGSM, CBD Campus, Level 7, 37 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
RSVP: Please register your attendance by Thursday 30 June
For more information email Leanne Wigmore or call 9850 4110.
All welcome - Light refreshments will be provided
14.08.2011 - Movies at Macquarie: The Kings Speech
Event Information
- Sunday 14 August at 6pm
- Free admission
- Registration is required
- Drinks and snacks on sale in the foyer
- Parking fees apply (Tickets can be purchased from vending machines in carparks)
- Venue: Building Y3A, Theatre 1, Macquarie University
- To resigter click here
- If you would like more information about other events at Macquarie University, visit the events calendar or contact the Marketing Unit on (02) 9850 1883.
Based on the true story of King George VI, The Kings Speech follows the Monarch's quest to find his voice. This Academy Award winning film details the King's journey to overcome his stammer and deliver a radio-address that inspires his people and unites them in battle, with the support of his eccentric speech therapist.
After the movie:
Dr Elisabeth Harrison from the Department of Linguistics will discuss the remarkable role of contemporary Australian speech pathology researchers in developing evidence-based treatments for adults and children who stutter. Harrison is a member of the research team that developed the Lidcombe Program for early stuttering intervention. Scientific evidence of this treatment's efficacy has challenged long held beliefs about the nature of early stuttering, and how best to treat it.
Joining Harrison is Dr Paul Sowman from the Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science, an expert on brain control of speech. Sowman will explore some of the symptoms of stuttering portrayed in the film, and how these provide insights into the dysfunctional neural control processes that cause stuttering. Sowman heads a National Health and Medical Research Centre project that is using Magnetoencephalography (MEG)-a brain technique which measures the magnetic field generated whenever information is processed by the brain.
04.08.2011 - The Macquarie Colloquim Series 2011 – Lecture 3: Professor Ron Rapee
In keeping with our commitment to offer lifelong learning opportunities, we are pleased to introduce a new event this year. The Macquarie Colloquium Series will run fortnightly throughout July and August and in its first year will showcase 4 of Macquarie University’s Distinguished Professors. These events will be held both on campus in North Ryde, as well as in the Sydney CBD and we welcome alumni and members of the general public.
The format for each of the 4 events will be as follows:
- 6.00pm Registrations and refreshments
- 6.30pm 45 minutes lecture followed by 15 minutes for questions from the floor
- 7.30pm Event close
Lecture 3: Professor Ron Rapee (Human Sciences) – 6.30pm Thursday 4 August, L3, Campus Hub, MQ Uni
Changing the life course: anxiety disorders in children
Anxiety disorders and their causes are one of the least understood forms of mental disorder.
Professor Rapee will provide some insight on risk factors for anxiety and how to change the life course in order to prevent its development in one of society’s most vulnerable groups: young children.
Speaker Profile:
Ron Rapee is a professor in psychology with a special interest in anxiety and anxiety disorders in both children and adults. Professor Rapee has two main areas of focus. Firstly, laboratory-based and naturalistic paradigms that borrow heavily from experimental and social psychology to address questions on the causes and maintenance. Secondly, intervention, prevention, and dissemination of treatments using large clinical trials. Professor Rapee is the Director of the Centre for Emotional Health (CEH), which includes the Emotional Health Clinic.
Date: Thursday 4 August 2011
Time: Doors open 6pm. Event 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Venue: Building CIO, Level Three Function Rooms, Macquarie University, North Ryde, NSW 2109
RSVP: Please register your attendance by Thursday 30 June
For parking information please refer to the parking map
For more information email Leanne Wigmore or call 9850 4110.
All welcome - Light refreshments will be provided
21.07.2011 - The Macquarie Colloquim Series 2011 – Lecture 2: Professor David Throsby
In keeping with our commitment to offer lifelong learning opportunities, we are pleased to introduce a new event this year. The Macquarie Colloquium Series will run fortnightly throughout July and August and in its first year will showcase 4 of Macquarie University’s Distinguished Professors. These events will be held both on campus in North Ryde, as well as in the Sydney CBD and we welcome alumni and members of the general public.
The format for each of the 4 events will be as follows:
- 6.00pm Registrations and refreshments
- 6.30pm 45 minutes lecture followed by 15 minutes for questions from the floor
- 7.30pm Event close
Lecture 2: Professor David Throsby (Business and Economics) – 6.30pm Thursday 21 July, MGSM City
Is 'Cultural Economics' an oxymoron?
Art and economics may not seem to have much in common. But theatre companies, art galleries, music groups and artists have to balance artistic integrity with financial survival.
Join Professor Throsby as he describes some of the surprising things about the economics of the arts and how governments can help through enlightened cultural policy.
Speaker Profile:
Professor David Throsby holds Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of Sydney, and a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics. He has been Professor of Economics at Macquarie University in Sydney since 1974. He has been a consultant to the World Bank, the OECD, FAO and UNESCO, as well as many government organisations and private firms. In 1990-1992 he chaired three of the Prime Minister's Working Groups on Ecologically Sustainable Development. In 2008 Professor Throsby was selected to take part in the Prime Minister's Australia 2020 Summit as a participant on the Towards a Creative Australia panel. Professor Throsby is listed in Who's Who in Australia and Who's Who in Economics (3rd edition.) and he was elected a fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia in 1988.
Date: Thursday 21 July 2011
Time: Doors open 6pm. Event 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Venue: MGSM, CBD Campus, Level 7, 37 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
RSVP: Please register your attendance by Thursday 30 June
For more information email Leanne Wigmore or call 9850 4110.
All welcome - Light refreshments will be provided
07.07.2011 - The Macquarie Colloquim Series 2011 – Lecture 1: Professor Sue O’Reilly
In keeping with our commitment to offer lifelong learning opportunities, we are pleased to introduce a new event this year. The Macquarie Colloquium Series will run fortnightly throughout July and August and in its first year will showcase 4 of Macquarie University’s Distinguished Professors. These events will be held both on campus in North Ryde, as well as in the Sydney CBD and we welcome alumni and members of the general public.
The format for each of the 4 events will be as follows:
- 6.00pm Registrations and refreshments
- 6.30pm 45 minutes lecture followed by 15 minutes for questions from the floor
- 7.30pm Event close
Lecture 1: Professor Sue O’Reilly – 6.30pm Thursday 7 July, MGSM City
Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Volcanoes, Diamonds and Earthquakes
Earth accumulated from cosmic particles 4.567 billion years ago. Over this huge time span, Earth has continually changed, forming and destroying continents, all driven by the energy of its internal heat engine.
Join Professor O’Reilly as she provides you with a small window into the earth’s inner workings, by looking at rare fragments brought to the surface in volcanoes and information from deep earthquake waves
Speaker Profile:
Professor Sue O’Reilly has been the Director of the ARC National Key Centre for Geochemical Evolution and Metallogeny of Continents (GEMOC) since 1995 and leader of the Lithosphere Mapping and Mantle Dynamics Group in GEMOC.
Professor O’Reilly’s fields of research include: the integration of geophysical, geochemical, petrological, petrophysical and tectonic data to construct realistic lithospheric structure and evolution models (4-D Lithosphere Mapping) and understand whole-mantle dynamics through time; the geochemistry and evolution of the mantle and deep crust; the geochemistry and origin of basaltic magmas and their geodynamic significance; trace element dispersions, residence sites and mineral partitioning in the mantle; relationship between mantle geochemistry and structure, volcanic activity, tectonic environment and economic deposits.
Date: Thursday 7 July 2011
Time: Doors open 6pm. Event 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Venue: MGSM, CBD Campus, Level 7, 37 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
RSVP: Please register your attendance by Thursday 30 June
For more information email Leanne Wigmore or call 9850 4110.
All welcome - Light refreshments will be provided
26.06.2011 - Balmain Sinfonia Concert
Macquarie University's Orchestra-in-residence
Photographer: Marcos Julius
- Schubert: Fierrabras Overture
- Berlioz: Death of Cleopatra (arr.)
- Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2
- Dvorak: Symphony No. 7
- Soloist: Scott Davie, piano
- Conductor: Gary Stavrou
The Wanderer Fantasy, a solo piano work written by Schubert was orchestrated by Liszt.
This rarely heard "piano concerto" will be played by pianist Carl Schmidt.
Concert flyer (PDF format, 446KB)
More details about the Balmain Sinfonia
29.05.2011 - Music In May – Orchestra 143
Come join us at Macquarie theatre for our series of free concerts in May. Enliven your Sunday afternoons with fellow Macquarie friends, students and graduates.
Photo by: Steven Lee
Orchestra 143
Devoted to the music of the baroque, classical and early romantic period – specifically, from 1685, Orchestra 143 seeks not only to perform works by the great composers of this period – Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Schubert – but also to acquaint its audiences with interesting music by lesser known composers such as C.P.E. Bach, Corelli, Arriaga, Bellini, Boyce, Stamitz and Wassenaer.
The first Orchestra 143 programme for 2011 presents eight soloists
performing a quartet of double concertos. The works encompass the
sublime slow movement and invigorating outer movements of the Bach
double violin concerto and the classical freshness of the Cimarosa,
together with two of Vivaldi's always sparkling and engaging
concertos. The Haydn symphony which rounds out the programme has
surprises of its own.
- Johann Sebastian Bach, Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV1043 (Alastair Duff-Forbes and Tracy Wan, violins).
- Domenico Cimarosa, Concerto for Two Flutes in G major (Meghan FitzGerald and Angus McPherson, flutes).
- Antonio Vivaldi, Concerto for Two Cellos in G minor, RV531 (Steve Meyer and Susan Blake, cellos).
- Antonio Vivaldi, Concerto for Two Oboes in D minor, RV535 (Josef Hanic and Ennes Mehmedbasic, oboes).
- Franz Joseph Haydn, Symphony No.23 in G major.
Date: 2.30pm, Sunday 29 May 2011
Venue: Macquarie Theatre,
Macquarie University
Balaclava Road, North Ryde (campus map)
Parking: free in the W4 and X3 car parks
Admittance is on a first-come first-served basis and seating is limited to 495 people.
28.05.2011 - Macquarie University Singers – Haydn The Creation
We invite you to experience the powerful and profound Oratorio written by the master composer Josef Haydn "THE CREATION". The 120 strong choristers will be led by the highly talented young conductor Anthony Pasquill and accompanied by a full orchestra and top soloists.
- Where: Macquarie Theatre, Macquarie University
Balaclava Road, North Ryde (campus map) - When: Saturday 28 May 2011
- Time: 7.30pm
- Cost: Adults $30, Concession $25, Students $20, available through MCA Ticketing on 1300 306 776 or
- Parking: Free in the W4 and X3 car parks
- Program: Josef Haydn's "THE CREATION"
The Macquarie University Singers (MUS) were established by the late John Gordon in 1967 to encourage the formation of strong links between Macquarie University and the wider community through singing. Membership is open to students, staff and members of the community.
22.05.2011 - Music In May – The Occasional Performing Sinfonia
Come join us at Macquarie theatre for our series of free concerts in May. Enliven your Sunday afternoons with fellow Macquarie friends, students and graduates.
Photo by: Karen Steains
TOPS Orchestra
TOPS is a Sydney-based orchestra that presents large symphonic works rarely tackled by amateur orchestras. TOPS plays in venues such as Sydney Town Hall and occasionally tours regional NSW.
Program: TOPS will appear with distinguished Opera Australia Mezzo-Soprano Sally-Anne Russell. To mark the centenary year of the death of Gustav Mahler, they will perform Mahler - Songs of a Wayfarer and Mahler - Symphony No. 4 in G major.
Date: 2.30pm, Sunday 22 May 2011
Venue: Macquarie Theatre,
Macquarie University
Balaclava Road, North Ryde (campus map)
Parking: free in the W4 and X3 car parks
Admittance is on a first-come first-served basis and seating is limited to 495 people.
15.05.2011 - Music In May – Ku-ring-gai Male Choir
Come join us at Macquarie theatre for our series of free concerts in May. Enliven your Sunday afternoons with fellow Macquarie friends, students and graduates.
Photo by: Ross Middleton
Ku-ring-gai Male Choir
The Ku-ring-gai Male Choir is one of the oldest performing male voice choirs in Australia. Founded by ex-servicemen following the Second World War, the choir has been in harmony since 1946 and today has over 45 performing members.
A-Roving - Sea Shanty arr. Norman Luboff
You Raise Me Up - Lovland/Graham arr. Alwyn Humphreys
Finlandia - Sibelius arr. Alwyn Humphreys
Katherine Foster, mezzo soprano
Warm, where the snowflakes lie - Sally Whitewll
From time to time I Entertain - Johann Strauss
Anvil Chorus - G Verdi (Il Trovetore)
Kentucky Babe - African/American Lullaby - Geibel/Buck
I'm gonna Walk - Spiritual arr Alwyn Humphreys
Laura Scandizzo, soprano
Avanti Urania - Giacomo Puccini
Abscheulicher! Wo eilst du hin - Beethoven (Fidelio)
Goin Home - Anton Dvorak / William Arms Fisher
Ave Verum - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Cantique de Jean Racine - G. Faure arr, Scott
When the Saints - by trad., arr. John Rutter
Katherine Foster & Laura Scandizzo
Letter Duet "Canzonetta Sull'aria" - Mozart (Marriage of Figaro)
Harry Ward, violinist
Introduction & Rondo Capriccioso by Saint Saens
Tshotshaloza - South African arr. Jeffrey L Ames
Shelter - Eric Bogle arr. Leon Paix
Rachie - Welsh - Roberts arr. Alwyn Humphreys
Date: 2.30pm, Sunday 15 May 2011
Venue: Macquarie Theatre,
Macquarie University
Balaclava Road, North Ryde (campus map)
Parking: free in the W4 and X3 car parks
Admittance is on a first-come first-served basis and seating is limited to 495 people.
Ku-ring-gai Male Choir website:
01.05.2011 - Music In May – NSW Police Band
Come join us at Macquarie theatre for our series of free concerts in May. Enliven your Sunday afternoons with fellow Macquarie friends, students and graduates.
Photo by: NSW Police Force
NSW Police Band
The very first notes of the Police Band were blown in February, 1895 in the rehearsal rooms at the Central Police Barracks in Belmore Park, Sydney. They have since produced numerous albums including Cop This! And Police Band Swings.
Program: Stay tuned ...
Date: 2.30pm, Sunday 1 May 2011
Venue: Macquarie Theatre,
Macquarie University
Balaclava Road, North Ryde (campus map)
Parking: free in the W4 and X3 car parks
Admittance is on a first-come first-served basis and seating is limited to 495 people.
NSW Police Band website:
05.04.2011 - Writer in Residence Lecture Series - "The Last Colonial: Secrets of the Short Story"
Sir Christopher Ondaatje, Macquarie University Writer in Residence, will speak on writing, drawing on his literary career and inspiration from Henry James, Guy de Maupassant and Ernest Hemingway. "The Last Colonial" is the title of his upcoming book.
Where: Building E11A, Art Gallery, Macquarie University
When: Tuesday 5 April 2011
Time: 6pm
Cost: FREE - Bookings are essential.
To register your attendance by Friday 1 April please use the online registration form.
Parking: Free parking is available in W4 and X3 car parks. Tickets can be purchased from vending machines in car parks (accepts coins and credit cards). Details of other transport options and a campus map are available.
04.04.2011 - Writer in Residence Lecture Series - "Hemingway in Africa: The Last Safari"
Sir Christopher Ondaatje, Macquarie University Writer in Residence will speak on his book "Hemingway in Africa: The last safari". Africa was an obsession for Hemingway all his life, and Ondaatje, through several personal journeys into both physical and literary aspects of Hemingway's safaris, has produced a startling and controversial documentary of the man and the myth.
Further information is available
Where: Building E11A, Art Gallery, Macquarie University
When: Monday 4 April 2011
Time: 6 - 7pm
Cost: FREE - Bookings are essential.
To register your attendance by Friday 1 April please use the online registration form.
Parking: Free parking is available in W4 and X3 car parks. Tickets can be purchased from vending machines in car parks (accepts coins and credit cards). Details of other transport options and a campus map are available.
01.04.2011 - Writer in Residence Lecture Series - Woolf in Ceylon
Sir Christopher Ondaatje will discuss his travels and research in Sri Lanka in 2003 that formed the background to his 2005 publication, Woolf in Ceylon. This book is an illustrated biography of Leonard Woolf (1880-1969), husband of Virginia Woolf (1882-1941), the noted English author, essayist, publisher, and writer of short stories.
Where: Mollie Thomson Room, (Level 5) Library (C7A)
When: Friday 1 April 2011
Time: 6pm
Cost: FREE - Bookings are essential.
To register your attendance by 25 March, please email or phone 9850 7554.
Parking: Parking fees apply. Tickets can be purchased from vending machines in car parks (accepts coins and credit cards). Details of other transport options and a campus map are available.
30.03.2011 - Writer in Residence Lecture Series - Visions of an Island Screening and Q&A
A showing of "Visions of an Island" by Sir Christopher Ondaatje OC, CBE., Macquarie University Writer in Residence. The showing will be followed by a Q&A session.
"Visions of an Island" is an autobiographical account of Sir Christopher's romance with Sri Lanka drawing on several of his books.
Where: Building C5C, Forum
When: Wednesday 30 March 2011
Time: 6.30pm
Cost: FREE - Bookings are essential.
To register your attendance by Tuesday 29 March please use the online registration form.
Parking: Free parking is available in W4 and X3 car parks. Tickets can be purchased from vending machines in car parks (accepts coins and credit cards). Details of other transport options and a campus map are available.
27.03.2011 - Balmain Sinfonia Concert
Photographer: Marcos Julius
Date/Time: Sunday 27 March 2011 at 2:30pm
Venue: Macquarie Theatre,
Macquarie University
Balaclava Road, North Ryde (campus map)
Parking: free in the W4 and X3 car parks
- Bellini: Norma Overture
- Vaughan Williams: The Lark Ascending
- Dvorak: Romance in F Minor
- Kalinnikov: Symphony No. 1
- Soloist: Emily Sun, violin
- Conductor: Gary Stavrou
Concert flyer (PDF format, 335KB)
More details about the Balmain Sinfonia
12.12.2010 - Balmain Sinfonia Concert
Macquarie University's Orchestra-in-residence
Photographer: Marcos Julius
- Dvorak: Slavonic Dances 1-8 (Op. 46)
- Schubert: Wanderer Fantasy (arr. Liszt)
- Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Haydn
- Weber: Freischutz Overture
- Soloist: Carl Schmidt
- Conductor: Gary Stavrou
The Wanderer Fantasy, a solo piano work written by Schubert was orchestrated by Liszt.
This rarely heard "piano concerto" will be played by pianist Carl Schmidt.
Concert flyer (PDF format, 446KB)
More details about the Balmain Sinfonia concert
11.12.2010 - Macquarie University Singers – A Christmas Celebration
A choir for Macquarie staff, students and other members of the community.
A Christmas Celebration
This concert is a programme of seasonal music, presented with the usual blend of musical excellence, enthusiasm and fun.
Guest Conductor: Peter Ellis
Guest artists: David Drury (organ), Lara de Wit (piano), Nicole Thomson (soprano), and the Consort 8 Recorder Group.
8pm, Saturday 11 December 2010
Macquarie Theatre
Macquarie University
Tickets are at special seasonal prices: Adults $20 Conc. $15 Students $10
Phone: 1300 306 776
For bookings and more details, visit the Macquarie University Singers website.
The Macquarie University Singers (MUS) was established by the late John Gordon in 1967 to encourage the formation of strong links between Macquarie University and the wider community through singing. Membership is open to students, staff and members of the community.
10.10.2010 - Macquarie University Singers – British!
A choir for Macquarie staff, students and other members of the community.
With David Drury on organ
2.30pm, Sunday 10 October 2010
Macquarie Theatre
Macquarie University
- Traditional songs from:
- England
- Ireland
- Wales
- Scotland
- Selections from musical theatre:
- My Fair Lady
- Phantom of the Opera
- The Lion King
- ... and more ...
The Macquarie University Singers (MUS) was established by the late John Gordon in 1967 to encourage the formation of strong links between Macquarie University and the wider community through singing. Membership is open to students, staff and members of the community.
More details about the Macquarie University Singers
19.09.2010 - Balmain Sinfonia Concert
Macquarie University's Orchestra-in-residence
Photographer: Marcos Julius
With special guest narrator, Vice-Chancellor Professor Steven Schwartz.
2.30pm, Sunday 19 September 2010
Macquarie Theatre
Macquarie University
Soloist: Vice Chancellor Professor Steven Schwartz
Conductor: Gary Stavrou
- Bruckner: Scherzo from Symphony No. 9
- Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf
- Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.5
For more details about Balmain Sinfonia concert
05.09.2010 - Music on Winter Sundays: TOPS Orchestra

The Occasionally Performing Sinfonia (TOPS)
A free concert hosted by Macquarie University as part of the Music on Winter Sundays series.
2.30pm, Sunday 5 September 2010
Macquarie Theatre
Macquarie University
For more details, click here
24.08.2010 - Free Guided Walks Program: Sculpture Park
Free Guided Walks Program: Sculpture Park
City of Ryde and Macquarie University collaborate on a guided walking tour.
Foon Sham
Vessels Arising
Timber blocks
Paul Hopmeier
Painted welded steel
Richard Byrnes
Calcium Sonata
Cast aluminium
Dr Errol Davis, OAM, B.E.
(1926 - 2009)
Conducted by curator, Mr Leonard Janiszewski
The City of Ryde has added Macquarie University's Sculpture Park to its Free Guided Walks Program.
- Time: 10am - 12noon
- Meet: 9.45am, Waterloo Park playground, Waterloo Rd Marsfield
- Distance: 3km
The first walk begins with a walk through Waterloo Park followed by a guided tour of the University Sculpture Park. The guided tour of the Sculpture Park will be led by Macquarie’s Art Gallery curator, Mr Leonard Janiszewski.
The natural surroundings provide an opportunity for visitors to explore some of the 130 original sculptures by leading and emerging Australian and international sculptors. The collection contains a variety of styles, materials and techniques showing works in sandstone, limestone, concrete, steel, stainless steel, painted steel, bronze, copper and ceramics.
The Sculpture Park is a 'space of possibilities', where the environment and people interconnect through a process of discovery, enjoyment and learning.
Further information about the Sculpture Park guided walk and other guided walks can be found at Ryde Council’s website:
For bookings call City of Ryde Customer Service on 9952 8222.
08.08.2010 - Music on Winter Sundays: Ku-ring-gai Male Choir

Ku-ring-gai Male Choir
A free concert hosted by Macquarie University as part of the Music on Winter Sundays series.
2.30pm, Sunday 8 August 2010
Macquarie Theatre
Macquarie University
For more details, click here
25.07.2010 - Music on Winter Sundays: Bourbaki Ensemble

Bourbaki Ensemble
A free concert hosted by Macquarie University as part of the Music on Winter Sundays series.
2.30pm, Sunday 25 July 2010
Macquarie Theatre
Macquarie University
For more details, click here
11.07.2010 - Music on Winter Sundays: Sydney Wind Symphony

Sydney Wind Symphony
A free concert hosted by Macquarie University as part of the Music on Winter Sundays series.
2.30pm, Sunday 11 July 2010
Macquarie Theatre
Macquarie University
For more details, click here
06.06.2010 - Music on Winter Sundays: Ambulance Service of New South Wales Band
Ambulance Service of New South Wales Band
A free concert hosted by Macquarie University as part of the Music on Winter Sundays series.
2.30pm, Sunday 06 June 2010
Macquarie Theatre
Macquarie University
For more details, click here
29.05.2010 - Macquarie University Singers: Timeless Treasures
A choir for Macquarie staff, students and members of the local Macquarie community.
Timeless Treasures
Conducted by Tim Chung
2:30pm, Sunday 29 May 2010
Macquarie Theatre,
Macquarie University
Mozart's Coronation Mass, Laudate Dominum & Ave Verum Corpus
Schubert's Mass C and Haydn's Insanae et Vanae Curae
The Macquarie University Singers (MUS) was established by the late John Gordon in 1967 to encourage the formation of strong links between Macquarie University and the wider community through singing. Membership is open to students, staff and members of the community.
More details about the Macquarie University Singers
Music on Winter Sundays
A free concert series hosted by Macquarie University.
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Sydney Wind Symphony | Bourbaki Ensemble | TOPS Orchestra |
To be held in the Macquarie Theatre, 2.30 pm, on the following dates:
- 14 June 2009 - NSW Police Band
- 21 June 2009 - Ambulance Service of New South Wales Band
- 5 July 2009 - Roman Rudnytsky - Piano recital
- 26 July 2009 - Bourbaki Ensemble
- 9 August 2009 - Ku-ring-gai Male Choir
- 16 August 2009 - Sydney Wind Symphony
- 23 August 2009 - Apollo Trio - Daniel Herscovitch (Piano), Maria Lindsay (Violin) & Elizabeth Neville (Cello)
- 30 August 2009 - TOPS Orchestra
- 13 September 2009 - Richard Pulley - Violin/Piano recital
Please note that free parking is in W4 and X3 only. A fee of $10.00 up to 3 hours, and $18.00 thereafter applies for parking in any otger car park location on campus. Tickets can be purchased from coin-operated machines in the car parks.
Please note also that admittance is on a first-come first-served basis and that seating is limited to 495 people.
You can find information about these concerts and other public events at Macquarie University on our on-line Events Calendar.
To receive future notifications, please contact our event officers.
13.02.2009, 20.02.2009, 27.02.2009 - Sculpture Under the Stars
One of the largest sculpture parks in Australia
Join us for an enchanting evening - twilight tours of the Macquarie University Sculpture Park.
Starting at 6pm for an hour length tour with commentary and anecdotes about the sculptures and the campus:
- Wednesdays 13th, 20th and 27th February
We will meet at the Art Gallery in building E11A.
The tours will consist of a different walk through a section of the Sculpture Park each week. Our sculpture collection is exhibited across the entire campus, and has recently been divided up into four distinct walks for visitors - Western Walk, Central Circuit, Eastern Walk and Lakeside Trail - enabling a choice of duration spent amongst the sculptures.
A light supper will be served in the gallery at the conclusion of the tour (BYO wine).
05.11.2009, 12.11.2009, 19.11.2009, 26.11.2009 - Sculpture Under the Stars
One of the largest sculpture parks in Australia
Join us for an enchanting evening - twilight tours of the Macquarie University Sculpture Park.
Starting at 6pm for an hour length tour with commentary and anecdotes about the sculptures and the campus:
- Wednesdays 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th November
We will meet at the Art Gallery in building E11A.
The tours will consist of a different walk through a section of the Sculpture Park each week. Our sculpture collection is exhibited across the entire campus, and has recently been divided up into four distinct walks for visitors - Western Walk, Central Circuit, Eastern Walk and Lakeside Trail - enabling a choice of duration spent amongst the sculptures.
A light supper will be served in the gallery at the conclusion of the tour (BYO wine).
Ryde Business Expo
The 2008 expo was held at the Stanford Grand Hotel, North Ryde.
The Macquarie University Stand included the Division of Economics and Financial Studies, the Department of Engineering and Access Macquarie.
Macquarie University actively supports the local business community and works closely with the Ryde Business Forum (
MGSM, Access Macquarie, Economics and Financial Studies Department and the Community Engagement hosted the May 2008 Business After House event, which showcased the wealth of learning and research opportunities available to both individuals and companies.
The guest speakers were:
- Professor Roy Green, Dean of MGSM, supported by
- Kate Hughes, researcher into the Pacific Corridor Scoping Study;
- Professor Ed Davis, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Financial Studies;
- and Ben Smith from Access Macquarie.
Guests were taken through the importance of the Pacific Corridor, which is arguably the technological hub of NSW and Australia. Speakers also covered the importance of cluster research, the value of human capital, and the importance of not just networking with overseas organisations but also networking with businesses 'just down the street'.
U@MQ provided strong support for the event through donating 2 months free membership to the state-of-the-art Gymnasium and Sports Centre for three lucky attendees.

Macquarie University Relay For Life
Relay For Life is an overnight event, where participant take it in turns to walk, skip or run their way around an oval, having fun, meeting other members of their community, and raising funds to defeat cancer.
Teams are encouraged to camp out overnight, theme their outfits and their tends, and do something about cancer in their community in a simple and social way. It's a great team-building, fun event.
This will be the first ever Macquarie University Relay for Life, and it will be an amazing opportunity to bring the university, local business and local resident community together for a great cause.
When: 20 - 21 September
Where: University Oval (Macquarie University Sports Fields over M@)
Why: To have an awesome time with mates and raise funds and awareness to fight cancer
What to do: Make a Team - register online; and select 'Macquarie University' from the drop down menu
Keep informed: Join the facebook event:
Join the mailing list:
Brightest Young Minds Summit
This year Macquarie will be attracting some of Australia's most talented students for the Brightest Young Minds Summit.
Held in July, the Brightest Young Minds Summit brings together 100 of the most creative, energetic young minds in the country to solve some of Australia's pressing problems.
Macquarie Singers - War and Peace

Macquarie University Singers presented three magnificent choral works reflecting the theme of War & Peace in its major concert on Saturday 31st May.
Download the Press Release.
Looking Out Exhibition
When: 15 May - 7 July
Opening: 21 May 6-8pm
Who: by Andrew Frost
Looking Out through recent video art explores the notion of identity as a construct mediated by contemporary culture and society. Manifold forms of identity emerging within Looking Out seemingly dissolve the boundaries between reality, ideology, and fiction.
The role of the performative body manifest within each individual artist's work encapsulates the nuances of self as an embodied lived experience that can be recreated, renewed and energised to name but a few.
Further information is at the Art Gallery website.
LEGO Engineering Challenge
ICT Innovations Centre at Macquarie University
Download the flyer
Eureka Prize
High school students will seek home-grown solutions to climate change in the new Eureka Prize for Action Against Climate Change.
Sponsored by Macquarie University, students will measure their CO2 emissions at home or school and suggest ways to reduce it.
Results must be scientifically measured (it is a science prize after all!) and presented on-line.
How students present their online results is up to them - the more creative the better. They could write a song, do a dance or rap. Produce an animation, short film or website. Star in a play, debate or discussion.
How the presentation is made is not the critical issue. What matters is how effectively the chosen Action Against Climate Change message is conveyed - and that the presentation is available for viewing online.
Winners of the Macquarie University Eureka Prize for Action Against Climate Change will share over $11,000 worth of cash and prizes.
Professor Tim Flannery is the patron of this competition and says:
"You would hope that people see what needs to be done. It's not rocket science. It's not difficult. It's not even all that costly. It's actually about the way you think about the world."
Australian Intervarsity Debating Championships
The Australian Intervarsity Debating Championships has been the prize of the Australian debating circuit since 1990. The Macquarie University Debating Society is committed to delivering a professional, exciting and competitive tournament.
Ryde Business Expo
Download the flyer here.
Macquarie Singers - 40th Anniversary Concert

Photos taken at North Ryde RSL where the Macquarie Singers provided a group of carol singers over the whole week leading up to and including Christmas Eve. In the second photo two RSL visitors joined the MUS choir in the singing - one of the them was a member of the Sydney Welsh choir. The choir has been invited to do the same again in 2008. The woman in the red top standing near the keyboard is Jill Kaldor, a member of MUS, who organised and conducted the small group.

Macquarie University Singers 40th Anniversary Concert, which was held on Saturday 27th October.
Balmain Sinfonia Concert

Balmain Sinfonia concert - Sunday 16th September 2007
The Small Writ Large Exhibition
The Small Writ Large exhibition surveys the work of foremost photographer, artist and scientist Ron Oldfield, consisting of material that reflects the wondrous union of art and science. Australian flowers, mosses and other works of scientific investigation provide a startling display of colour and form coupled with high scientific and aesthetic merit, making this exhibition one not to be missed.
Displayed at Eden Gardens, 301-307 Lane Cove Road North Ryde.

Ron Oldfield and Caroline Lord (Marketing Manager, Eden Gardens)
LEGO League Challenge
Macquarie University, in conjunction with IBM and Lego, is hosting the annual First Lego League challenge on Sunday December 2nd. Local schools will be participating in a climate challenge using robots to demonstrate how to create a more environmentally friendly world, utilizing green power, solar power and other sustainable technologies.

Macquarie Mentors (James, Hamed, Nina, Xin, Elizabeth and Colin, First Lego League Coordinator)
Jorge Luis Borges Symposium: English Literature and Other Inquisitions
Macquarie University Humanities Department and the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Development and External Relations hosted a prestigious Symposium concerning Jorge Luis Borges: English Literature and Other Inquisitions, with the Consulate General of Argentina.

The Symposium was held in the Macquarie University Art Gallery and included many original works from the famed Argentinian writer himself. Speakers included the Ambassador of Argentina, Mr Pedro Villagra Delgado, and the Consul General of Argentina, Mr Pedro Colombi.
Also present at the Symposium were members of the Borges Association, including Dr Alejandro Vaccaro, the President of the Borges Symposium, Dr Roberto Alifano and Dr Alejandro Roemmers. Australian speakers included Jeronimo Ledesma, Dr Stephen Gregory, Dr Carmel Davis, Dr Rex Butler, Dr Jeffrey Browitt, Gary Maller, Dr Estela Valverde and Guillermo Anad.
Abstracts of papers are available from Dr Estela Valverde, Department of European Languages, Macquarie University, who was instrumental in organising the event.