Health services and health systems

Health services and health systems

Health services

The faculty undertakes extensive research into many aspects of the healthcare system and its various components and services. The common feature of our research in health services is a rigorous approach to measuring, testing and understanding healthcare as a complex system.

We perform many types of research studies in hospitals, general practice, community settings and aged care facilities to examine quality of patient care and outcomes, and to determine how different aspects of clinical culture and the use of information technologies in these environments affect system efficiency and patient safety.

Much of our efforts explore, in one form or other, how information technologies or human behaviours impact on healthcare. This research seeks to maximise the potential benefits of technologies while minimising the risks.

Other related work is in health informatics, the study of the information or ‘data’ of health, to deliver better care – and more individualised, tailored care – for patients. This vision holds whether a patient is at the GP clinic, in a hospital or simply using a health-related app on a mobile phone.

The aim of this diverse body of research is to use the insights gained to improve the health system in partnership with healthcare providers and policymakers to make healthcare more evidence based, safer for patients and more efficient and sustainable.

Research centres

AIHI research centres

Health services

NHMRC partnership centre

NHMRC centres of research excellence

Content owner: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences Last updated: 12 Mar 2024 9:57am

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