Check out our frequently asked questions (FAQs) about participating in our research, below.

Are you doing any studies online while we can't come into the lab during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Yes! We are working hard to make a number of studies online very soon. They are nearly ready, so please email us at ling.cll@mq.edu.au to find out more and to register your interest.

Can I get an appointment outside 9am – 5pm?

Yes. Once we are back to face-to-face studies, appointments are generally for Monday through Friday, anytime from 9:00am to 5:00pm.  We are usually, however, able to accommodate appointments outside of these times where required, so please ask by emailing ling.cll@mq.edu.au or by phoning 9850 2917.

How do I get there and is parking free?

The Child Language Lab is located at the Australian Hearing Hub Levels 3. View map and directions to the Australian Hearing Hub.

After you schedule an appointment, we will send you directions and details for free parking. We will contact you the day before the appointment to confirm and make sure you have all the information.

What if my child doesn't speak when we get there?

This is a question commonly asked by parents, and we completely understand that sometimes kids will be kids! If your child doesn't engage in the game, you still receive the gift for coming in and we may invite you to come back at another time.

What if my child speaks more than one language?

We currently have studies looking at monolingual children and bilingual children. The current languages we are researching are primarily English and Mandarin. However, if your child speaks any other language, please contact us and we'll let you know if a new study arises.

What will you be able to tell me about my child's language development?

Unfortunately we will not be able to provide you with information about your child's language development. If you are concerned about your child's speech, it is highly recommended you consult a speech pathologist. The results obtained from your child will however be combined with other children's results and this will be used as the basis for our investigations. We will be happy to share these results with you once the study has been completed (see below).

What happens to the data?

Your child's name will be kept confidential. The results of our research are published in academic journals and presented at local/international conferences, and posted on our website (see Publications). Our research contributes to a greater understanding of child language acquisition and has important implications for therapeutic intervention.

Content owner: Department of Linguistics Last updated: 12 Mar 2024 10:40am

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