Workshop July 2024

Workshop July 2024

Beyond Speech Workshop – Thursday 4 July

Language and Literacy in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children with Diverse Backgrounds

The logo for the Beyond Speech Workshop, a stylised black silhouette of a child's head wearing a white cochlear implant. There are dozens of jumbled white alphabet letters where the child's brain would be.Online registration has now closed.

The live-streaming link will be sent to all registered participants prior to the event.

For participants in time-zones that would make live-streaming difficult, the recordings of each presentation will be shared as individual links on this website after the live event.

Live Auslan sign language interpreters and English real-time captioning will be available on the day.


Information about the workshop

Early intervention and access to hearing devices/native sign language have contributed to good language acquisition in children who are deaf and hard of hearing in Australia, laying the foundations for emergent language and literacy skills.

However, research on language and literacy development of these children is limited when compared to their hearing peers. The gap is even more pronounced for children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, for both spoken and sign language learners.

A better understanding of the unique strengths and challenges faced by these children can enhance our knowledge and lead to more effective intervention strategies, ultimately improving their outcomes.

Building on the Beyond Speech multidisciplinary workshops held from 2020 to 2023, this year’s online workshop will introduce new research findings and expert keynotes on (emergent) language and literacy acquisition in children who are deaf and hard of hearing.

The workshop will also bring together clinicians and researchers to discuss supportive strategies and consider future directions for the field.

Keynote speakers

  • Connie Mayer (York University)
  • Beverly Trezek (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  • Andrea D Warner-Czyz (The University of Texas at Dallas)

Organising committee

Nan Xu Rattanasone, Trudy Smith, Rebecca Holt, Pia Watkins, Jane Man-Yu Lai, Feng Xu

Workshop sponsors


Thursday 4 July

Opening and Welcome: Dr Aleisha Davis
9.30 Keynote presentation I
Chair: Iain Giblin
Connie Mayer (York University)
Beverly Trezek (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Salon conversations with Emma Watkins (Macquarie University)
Chair: Rebecca Holt
Emma Watkins: Abstract & Bio
Keynote presentation II
Chair: Hua-Chen Wang
Andrea D Warner-Czyz (The University of Texas at Dallas)
13.00 Break
14.00 Panel discussion
Chair: Trudy Smith
Session II
15.30 Closing remarks: Professor Mridula Sharma

Where can I watch the live-streamed talks (or watch them after the scheduled times)?

The workshop will be held online-only via Zoom. A link will be emailed to all workshop registrants prior to the workshop. The captioned, interpreted talks will be shared as individual links and emailed to workshop registrants by 1st August.

How can I ask questions of the presenter to answer in their question time?

We encourage you to use the chat function in Zoom to ask your questions during and after the presentation. These will be directed to the presenter in their question time or answered during the next session.

You are also invited to use the “Raise my hand” feature in Zoom gestures, accessible from the bottom of the Zoom screen, to indicate that you would like to be unmuted to ask your question. If you raise your hand, wait to be invited to unmute by the facilitator to ask your question.

Our partners

The logo for the Australian Hearing Hub, a collection of interconnected teal circles.The logo for the Australian Research Council, the Commonwealth Coat of Arms featuring a kangaroo, an emu, a shield and a star.The logo for Cochlear, three overlapping white ovals with gold edges.The logo for Hearing Australia, a dozen blue parallel vertical lines which make up the shape of Australia.
The logo for Next Sense, a thick curved black line that resembles the lower case initials 'n' and 's' with an extra dot on either side of the 's' so that it resembles a tilted division sign. Underneath are the words "Advancing 160 years of RIDBC experience."The logo for Parents of Deaf Children, a long tapered shape curved slightly around four small circles of various colours, resembling peas in a pod.The logo for The Shepherd Centre, the name in blue letters, surrounded by gold quotation marks.

Content owner: Department of Linguistics Last updated: 05 Jul 2024 10:00am

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