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Studying & Time Management

Length: 20-30 minutes


After this lesson, you will be able to:
  • complete your first time login to setup your OneID
  • log into the different online systems at Macquarie University
  • check your OneID status and reset your password
After this lesson, you will know:
  • about the various online systems at Macquarie
  • how and where to find help regarding the various online systems
  • where to get IT Help


Keeping on top of your studies requires you to develop good studying and time management skills. Each person will have their preferred learning strategies and techniques but this module will help you to identify and develop some of the more popular ones. Remember that these are just guides and part of university life is figuring out what works for you!

Studying & Time Management

Study tips and strategies

Each person comes to university with their own experiences, skills and strategies for learning. There is no 'right' way of studying - different strategies will work for different people and for different activities and situations.

What IS important, is to have a range of strategies so that you can use them for the different situations you will encounter in your studies at university.

Below you will find a list of tips and tools that facilitate quality learning, and the key is to find or develop a method that will work for YOU.

  • Comprehensive note taking for those who prefer structure
  • Summative note taking for those who prefer “free thinking”
  • Mind maps can help organise and bring into focus how topics of Units may interrelate or not
  • Study groups are a neat way of studying (given you’ve found an appropriate group of peers)
  • Family and friends can be a good source for study. If you can explain something to them and ask them to explain it back to you, then you can be confident you’re studying is working
  • Meaning and contextualisation are key for keeping your information embedded in your mind; reorganising lecture material to reflect something meaningful and relevant to you increases the odd that you’ll remember it

Studying & Time Management

Time Management

One of the important

  • Diaries/Planners/Calendars: are great for keeping track of social events, assignment due dates and personal items. They also allow you to see visually, when things are scheduled or coming up, rather than having to remember all the dates in your head.
  • Online Calendars such as iCal or Google Calendar can be an alternative to a diary/planner/calendar, especially if you are constantly on the computer or your smart phone! These calendars also have in-built alarm functions to alert you to due dates and other important events.
  • Checklists/To-Do lists may be more suited for the few that steer away from the rigidity of a calendar/diary

QUICK TIP: One of our Mentors has a short write up on how they stay on top of their studies.

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