Step 3: Making your Timetable
So now you should have your first year units planned out (if not, return to the previous step and go through the activity again). Let's now look at making and filling out theProposed Program Form (timetable) using the Timetable site.
Firstly, you'll need to search for the unit code, you can do this by either using:
- the Department list (you can find which department offers your unit using the Handbook site and clicking on Units instead of Degrees)
- Typing in either the whole unit code (ie, AHIS100) or simply the first four (4) characters (ie, AHIS) into the search field
- browsing through the list of Units.
Units are 'offered' via three main means: Day, Day & Night, or External (Distance Education) study. It is important you choose the right mode of offering! You can tell the mode of offer and when the unit is scheduled by reading the unit code, for example:
AHIS100 / S2 / Day - Ancient Greece Tyranny and Democracy 800-399 BC
Unit Code / Semester Offered / Mode of Offering - Name of Unit.
The next step is to select the Period (Standard Semester 1, 2 or 3, or All Year) and the days, (All Week or All Weekdays) and select the output you want to see it in (List or Calendar). This will take you to a listing of the classses for your unit.
The list view will take the form shown to the right. The way to read it is to go through each different 'class type' (ie, Lectures, Tutorials, Practicals, Labs, Seminars, etc) and pick one from each. So in this example, AHIS100 has two classes for Lecture_01 and two classes available for Lecture_02.
You do not have to attend both (one is actually an iLecture) but simply choose one from each.
Similarly, when picking a tutorial class, there are three in the example, you only need to pick one!
Start filling in your Proposed Program Form in pencil, so that you can find the best combination that works for you. Once you are done, you're ready to submit the form at Enrolment! Congratulations!