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Finding your way around campus

Length: 15-20 minutes


After this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Identify the main lecture theatres and important buildings on campus
After this lesson, you will know:
  • the building names and conventions used at Macquarie University


Finding your way around campus

Wally's Walk

If you're going to be studying on campus, the first thing you're going to need to know is where everything is. It's a lot more helpful, and less stressful, to understand how the room numbering and naming system works before your first class, so you're not running around trying to find the room 5 minutes before the class starts!

Thankfully, Macquarie was designed around a central pathway, known as Wally’s Walk, that runs from one side of the campus to the other and can be used to access most buildings and locations. If you’re ever lost, find this pathway and you’ll be sure to find one of the many map hubs on this path.

The buildings at Macquarie are roughly named based on their location. Here is an easy way to remember where all the building locations:

  • C = Centre, usually located around the 'centre' of the University near the Central Courtyard and the Library
  • E = East, towards the eastern side of the University, towards Macquarie Centre
  • F = Far East, even further east and closer to Macquarie Centre
  • W = West, towards western side of the University
  • X = Far West, it marks the end of the main walkway on the Western side of the University
  • Macquarie Theatre W2.4A

  • Y = Located near the entrance off Epping Road

The major lecture theatres are:

  • Macquarie Theatre = W2.4A
  • X5B Theatre 1 = X5B T1
  • Mason Theatre = E7B T1
  • Price Theatre = W5A T3
  • Lotus Theatre = W6D

Finding your way around campus

Student IT Help - C5C 244

How to read building names:

Now you’ve got an idea of how to navigate the campus generally, let’s have a look at how you can find individual rooms for your classes.

Let's have a look at the room you go to for Student IT Help: C5C 244

  • The first three characters are a letter-number-letter combination, and they indicate your building (C5C),
  • The second three characters are numbers, and they indicate the room within that building (244)
  • The first digit of this second set indicates the level of the building that this room is on (Room 244 is on level 2 of C5C)

NOTE: Not all ground-levels are level 1; this is because the levels are based on sea-level, so some buildings may have level 0 or level 2 at ground-level.

Finding your way around campus


Campus Map (jpg)

Using the map, see if you can find the major lecture theatres and mark them out.

Next, using your Proposed Program Form, have a look at how your classes are spaced out and the best pathways to get from class to class. This can be helpful to see how far you'll have to travel from one class to the next!

TIP: Remember that you have about 5 minutes at the end of a class to walk to your next one, but if you can help it, you don’t want to be walking from one side of the campus to the next, so considering where each class is held may help you choose your tutorials and practicals.

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