
60 seconds with…

Barb Corapi | Marketing and Administrative Coordinator, Psychology

How long have you been at Macquarie?
I’m a newbie. Only four months but it feels a lot longer – it’s a good thing.

What was your earliest childhood career
Having attended a Catholic primary school I thought being a nun sounded like a great idea – that plan lasted for about five minutes. I didn’t have any burning career aspirations until my mid-20’s when I landed a role as a marketing specialist. I’ve pursued a marketing and business development career ever since.

Something not many people know about me is:
I was a cheerleader for the game show “It’s a Knock Out” in the 1980s. I also appeared in the Australian tele-movie “Brides of Christ” and soap “Home & Away” as a featured extra.

If I wasn’t a Marketing Coordinator I would . . .
combine my enthusiasm for fitness and my love of writing to become a professional athlete and blogger. I think I’d try my hand at either the 10,000m run or soccer. And I’d blog about training, health and fitness.

What were you doing before you started these questions?
The kids and I were putting up the Christmas tree while singing Christmas songs. I love the tradition of writing and receiving hand written notes so each year I send out Christmas cards and always
include a photo of my kids on the cover. So, we were preparing the tree for the photo.