Macquarie researchers will spearhead Australia’s role in the international Yeast 2.0 project, tasked with creating the world’s first-ever synthetic complex organism.

Macquarie researchers will spearhead Australia’s role in the international Yeast 2.0 project, tasked with creating the world’s first-ever synthetic complex organism.
Dr Douglas Little knows spider silks are remarkable natural fibres but he’s excited about their technological applications too.
In recognition of the Global Day of ALS/MND on 21 June, Macquarie’s Motor Neurone Disease team are busy on a number of initiatives to ramp up their fight against the cruel disease.
The ACUR is a chance for our students to present work they’ve done either as part of their course or an internship or work they have done with an external company.
Academic staff have been invited via email to participate in a short and confidential survey as part of an Innovation and Scholarship Program research project into Learning and Teaching Social Media. Read more…
The biological sciences team have a decade-long tradition of taking time out in May to celebrate Eurovision.
A novel social cognitive training program for people with schizophrenia has been developed by a CCD team lead by academic and carer Dr Pamela Marsh.
“We are in an urgent need of reliable and affordable renewable energies”. Get to know Associate Professor Vladimir Strezov and his research as part of the Department of Environment & Geography.
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Great heights need to be scaled, but there are rewards along the way if we work together, according to Professor Sakkie Pretorius’s latest research weather report.
When did religion start to become distinct from law? Meet early career researcher Dr Brent Nongbri from the Department of Ancient History.