MGSM’s Professor John Mathews says its time to follow China’s lead on renewable energy.

MGSM’s Professor John Mathews says its time to follow China’s lead on renewable energy.
Up and atom: Tom Meany is expecting big things from the second age of quantum computing.
Laura Hammersley is working to make community engagement initiatives ethical and reciprocal.
‘Less is more’ is the theme for talks, workshops and debates on the future of learning and teaching at Learning and Teaching Week 2014.
Applications for all levels of Academic Promotion close at 5pm on 1 October. Find out how to apply and register for an information session.
Two more of our staff have used the MRes program to further their personal and professional interests.
Dr Tom Murray is investigating the capacity of storytelling across a range of media, at the intersection of a range of academic disciplines.
Join us in congratulating Professor Ian Paulsen, announced as an Australian Laureate Fellow
Dr Nick Parr is answering the Holy Grail questions of life, the population and everything.
Professor Wendy Rogers is looking at the ethical challenges of health care.
As the Ice Bucket Challenge sweeps the world, two of our neuroscience professors got drenched for a cause close to their hearts.
Dr Celia Harris is unlocking the secrets of our memories.