The Shared Identity project brings the story of Macquarie to life like never before, with a new outlook for our brand that reflects our unique heritage and the roadmaps for change being implemented in research and learning and teaching.

The Shared Identity project brings the story of Macquarie to life like never before, with a new outlook for our brand that reflects our unique heritage and the roadmaps for change being implemented in research and learning and teaching.
TV, radio, print and online – the achievements of our community are recognised across a range of media outlets.
Increasing collaboration between our researchers and media team helps to rapidly amplify our research and innovation success stories to a new global audience.
TV, radio, print and online – the achievements of our community are recognised across a range of media outlets.
TV, radio, print and online – the achievements of our community are recognised across a range of media outlets.
The Vice-Chancellor’s updated website went live late last week and is the home for news about the Vice-Chancellor’s activities.
Creative media and future journalism students now have access to Australia’s most sophisticated and current media production facilities, with the launch of Y3A’s Futures Lab on Wednesday night.
The biological sciences team have a decade-long tradition of taking time out in May to celebrate Eurovision.
Did you know that the marketing unit sends out a daily media report? Read on for a snapshot from recent reports…