Dr Jane Johnson shared her insight with The Conversation on the possibility some nonhuman animals will be granted legal rights under common law.

Dr Jane Johnson shared her insight with The Conversation on the possibility some nonhuman animals will be granted legal rights under common law.
Associate Professor Nick Parr shared his insight with The Conversation on how the student body is evolving.
Dr Annabelle Lukin shares her views on the Treasurer’s recent federal budget speech.
Dr Ross MacKenzie and Professor Wendy Rogers discuss the methods recommended by GPs on how to quit smoking.
TV, radio, print and online – our researchers share their expertise and profile their recent work across a range of media outlets. Here are some examples from the last month.
Dr Jane Messer shares her views on Salman Rushdie’s recent social media faux pas.
Professor Bridget Griffen-Foley shares her views on Malcolm Fraser’s relationship with Australian media.
Associate Professor Simon Griffith explains why March 20 was celebrated as World Sparrow Day.
Professor Michael Gillings shared his views with The Conversation on antibiotic pollution.
Dr Peter Edwell shared his views with The Conversation on the recent destruction of ancient artefacts by ISIS.
Up-skill or brush up your media prowess with free media training sessions, hosted by renowned ABC News broadcaster Richard Morecroft.
Emeritus Professor Andrew Beattie shared the discovery of a new antibiotic with The Conversation.