Have your say on the Vision for Learning and Teaching at Macquarie

Have your say on the Vision for Learning and Teaching at Macquarie
Teaching Index data entries for 2013 close Friday 29 August 2014. Read more…
The University has changed its position on recording third party material used during lectures. Read more…
Join us in congratulating Professor John Simons on his new appointment, and find out more about his plans for the role.
The diverse program of events at iFest will help you make the most of online learning and teaching technologies.
Online International Trade game wins NSW iAward for Education.
Dr Marina Harvey has received a 2014 Office of Learning and Teaching National Teaching Fellowship for her work on sessional staff issues.
Tutors are required to work one-on-one with Indigenous students in a variety of disciplines during session 2.
22 of our top schools were invited on campus to learn more about the new early entry program, designed to allow year 12 students early entry into Macquarie.
Changes that improve the design and usability of iLearn will be launched for Session 2.
Recently promoted academics celebrated with University leaders at a luncheon in their honour.
Early entry to the Global Leadership Program for year 12 students allows a new group to join our community before they finish high school.