The review of University-wide marketing is now complete, with findings and next steps being shared with the Macquarie marketing community.
Tag Archives: Framing of Futures

The end of another ERA
Our research champions have again come together to complete our 2015 Excellence in Research for Australia submission, and the team is confident our hard work will be reflected in the results.

Celebrating our finest
Applications are now open for the Macquarie University 2015 Research Excellence Awards.

And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche
The Learning and Teaching Green Paper is now open for feedback, and all staff are welcome to help shape the future of learning and teaching at Macquarie.

Brand new day
Today sees the launch of the new look Macquarie public website.

Welcome on board
Human Resources is proud to say “welcome to Macquarie” following the overhaul of its onboarding process.

Moving forward
The implementation of Our University: A Framing of Futures continues apace, with ten initiatives completed and others underway.

Celebrating with service
The Vice-Chancellor and Executive Group will be serving breakfast to all staff on 20 November in thanks for our hard work throughout Macquarie’s Jubilee year.

Distinction from complexity
Staff from across campus got an overview of progress on projects that support our values and strategic priorities at the inaugural University Annual Conference: A Framing of Futures last Friday.

Our new Shared Identity
Reclaiming our past to face the future brings with it the return of a much-loved icon.

Meet our new Research Pro Vice-Chancellors
Join us in congratulating Professor Lesley Hughes and Professor Peter Nelson on their appointments to these newly established roles.

60 seconds with…
Food, family, friends and photography are at the heart of Shared Identity Project Officer Brian Seeto’s life.