Tag Archives: Events

Lend us your ears

Lend us your ears

In celebration of Hearing Awareness Week, the Australian Hearing Hub will open it’s doors to one and all on Saturday 22 August.

Connect More

Connect More

Macquarie’s annual Learning and Teaching Week is back in 2015 from 14 – 17 September. Don’t miss your opportunity to contribute to the discussion.

Clear skies

Clear skies

The recent Research Weather Report 3.0 event celebrated our research milestones and revealed a glimpse of what’s to come.

Have you heard?

Have you heard?

The Learning and Teaching Green paper is continuing to drive conversation around campus, and in the lead up to next week’s Town Hall Tuesday 9 June, we’re sharing some of those discussions with you.

Wise up

Wise up

Join Professor David Rooney for a night at the movies, and learn more about how to be wise.

Don the dancing shoes

Don the dancing shoes

Last year the annual MND Gala raised $300,000. Can you help us top that this year as we raise much-needed funds to support care and research?

Campus connections

Campus connections

New initiative engages our brightest students with the opportunity to network and celebrate their achievements.