Dr Carlo Bradac will discuss the latest advances in science and technology, and define the role of scientific research in tackling the major global challenges of our society.

Dr Carlo Bradac will discuss the latest advances in science and technology, and define the role of scientific research in tackling the major global challenges of our society.
The indigenous-themed event is on tomorrow and it’s not too late to join the stroll around campus and get a free lunch!
Professor Michael Heimlich is up for a GEDC Airbus Diversity Award for his work in leading the FIRST program, which brings robotics to women, rural/regional schools and under-represented groups.
Prestigious Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) honour bestowed to Associate Professor Andrew Georgiou, Australian Institute of Health Innovation.
Associate Professor Kirstie Fryirs has received an international medal for her research contributions to river system management.
For the second year running, a team of undergraduate students from Macquarie’s CBMS 330 course have brought home gold from the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) jamboree in Boston, Massachusetts.
Macquarie researchers have developed innovative medical antennas to combat one of the main challenges of wireless medical devices.
Professor Carl Rhodes shares his insight with The Conversation on the recent Volkswagen scandal.
As part of Bridges to Higher Education, LEAP Program staff invited the Big History Institute to break down some of the program’s critical thinking concepts.
Last week’s Annual Conference and all-staff exhibition gave our community the chance to get hands on, ask questions and experience some of the pioneering work under way at Macquarie.
Big History is now globally available through a massive open online course (MOOC) on Coursera, alongside other courses from leading international universities.
IT Project Manager Andrew Elliston says give a bike a go on Ride2Uni day.