Last Wednesday was an exciting day for Associate Professor Blake Johnson, Distinguished Professor Stephen Crain and David Meng of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders (CCD).

Last Wednesday was an exciting day for Associate Professor Blake Johnson, Distinguished Professor Stephen Crain and David Meng of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders (CCD).
Mark Robinson from the University of St Andrews demonstrated to a packed audience that even institutions as venerable as his can adapt and innovate, using the simple principles of Lean.
Professor David Christian spoke to a packed house about developing a multidisciplinary approach to telling the story of our universe.
More than 500 staff celebrated the launch of our Golden Jubilee on Thursday 12 June, reflecting on highlights of our first 50 years and sharing ideas for the 50 to come.
TV, radio, print and online – the achievements of our community are recognised across a range of media outlets.
It’s not all fun and games for Campus Life Director Craig Oliver.
Macquarie Graduate School of Management’s (MGSM) operations team has had great success at the Annual Meetings and Events Australia (MEA) Industry Awards.
Students from a range of disciplines were recognised at the 2013 Professor Judyth Sachs PACE Prizes ceremony for their outstanding achievement in PACE activities.
Ten teams lined up for some fierce culinary competition at the Wariors@Work MasterChef Cook Off last Thursday.
As part of this year’s Jubilee celebrations, the Jubilee team have been exploring ideas to connect Macquarie’s past and future in creative and engaging ways.
Tony Edwards, a third-year Chinese student from Macquarie, has won the NSW section of the Chinese Bridge speaking competition.
Dr Douglas Little knows spider silks are remarkable natural fibres but he’s excited about their technological applications too.