More than 200 people gathered on campus to share stories and discuss issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers at the Freedom From Fear conference.

More than 200 people gathered on campus to share stories and discuss issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers at the Freedom From Fear conference.
Professor Delbridge was a pioneer in Australian linguistics and integral to the development of the Macquarie Dictionary.
An online learning tool developed at Macquarie has generated international interest at the Second Educational Games Competition in Berlin.
Twelve of our undergraduate students are working to synthetically engineer bacteria as part of an international competition.
Dr Larry Marshall has been announced as the incoming chief executive of Australia’s peak science and research body, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).
Where, when and how do students want to hear from us? More than 3000 have let us know in a recent communications survey.
Macquarie Graduate School of Management has been ranked number one in NSW and 49 globally.
Associate Professor Colin Wastell wants you to think about how you think.
The transformation of the old Library into MUSE created the need for a new level of emergency planning.
From the shores of Summer Bay to the turf at Leichhardt Oval, Wayne Charters has been behind the scenes in some unexpected places.
The Spring graduation series concluded last Wednesday with occasional addresses by Heather Ridout AO and Ian Thorpe OAM.
Five outstanding Macquarie women have been recognised for their vision, leadership, innovation and action in and beyond their fields.