Benefactor donates Roman Forum collection to our Museum of Ancient Cultures.

Benefactor donates Roman Forum collection to our Museum of Ancient Cultures.
Join us in welcoming Anna Grocholsky to Macquarie, following her recent appointment to the role of Director, Commercialisation and Innovation.
A new procedure and a new portal to effectively address complaints from students and the community has launched.
Macqaurie recently welcomed more than a thousand students from 26 countries to compete in a FIRST robotics competition on campus.
Congratulations to Professor Vladimir Strezov on his appointment to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency Advisory Panel.
The sixth annual Courtyard Challenge is on this Wednesday 29 July. Will you be the winner in 2015?
Dr Edward J Watts sadly passed away last month. We pay tribute to a highly respected member of our community.
Dr James Martin’s work on online illicit drug markets delves into how communication technologies are transforming crime.
MGSM’s Professor John Mathews shared his insight with The Conversation on China’s recent emissions-reduction goals submission to the United Nations.
Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite has been appointed as a member of the National Health and Medical Research Council’s Research Committee.
Dr Nick Cole is helping lead a team kitesurf along the Great Barrier Reef to raise funds for MND research at Macquarie.
Associate Professor Anina Rich and Sallymae Bailey are leading teams for causes close to their hearts.