Associate Professor Catherine Birman has achieved a feat that must be heard to be believed.

Associate Professor Catherine Birman has achieved a feat that must be heard to be believed.
A new online training video uses practical examples, and demonstrates key steps for responding to complaints.
In our latest podcast episode, meet Professor Barbara Messerle, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
When not cycling across China, Chloë Spackman is inspiring a new generation of global citizens in the Global Leadership Program.
Student Mobility Programs Manager Amanda Hough reports on the recent welcome back function for students who have returned from exchange.
Meet Professor Deb Kane, Professor Richie Howitt and Professor Catherine Dean, your new academic staff representatives on University Council.
In our latest podcast episode, meet Distinguished Professor Anne Castles from the Department of Cognitive Science.
From celebrations to launches, refurbishments to awards, check out some of the photographic highlights snapped on and off campus from the last couple of weeks.
Dust off that fancy dress costume, bring out your competitive spirit and get ready for an afternoon of fun and team building – Macquarie’s Amazing Race is on again!
Join the celebrations – and enjoy food from around the world – as the Macquarie community unites for a free Harmony Day event.
Thursday 17 March marks the national Close the Gap Day campaign and Walanga Muru is looking for your support.
New Chief Operating Officer, Tim Beresford, is pleased to announce the appointment of Nicole Brigg to the role of Pro Vice-Chancellor (International).