Fifty highlights from the University’s art collection have been curated for a new exhibition in celebration of the our Golden Jubilee Year.

Fifty highlights from the University’s art collection have been curated for a new exhibition in celebration of the our Golden Jubilee Year.
As part of this year’s Jubilee celebrations, the Jubilee team have been exploring ideas to connect Macquarie’s past and future in creative and engaging ways.
In recognition of the Global Day of ALS/MND on 21 June, Macquarie’s Motor Neurone Disease team are busy on a number of initiatives to ramp up their fight against the cruel disease.
Lecturer of the year awards, rave reviews for an open education course and the knowledge behind cooking the perfect poached egg.
After years of background research and a successful pilot program, the eCentreClinic is opening its Arabic wellbeing course to international participants online.
The LEAP Macquarie Mentoring Program University Experience Day gives high school students from refugee backgrounds a taste of what University life has to offer.
More than 250 of Macquarie University’s ‘pioneer’ alumni and staff from 1969 to 1977, recently reunited as part of the Jubilee celebrations.
In preparing to embark on their exchange program with the Chinese University of Hong Kong, five Macquarie University students recently participated in a New Colombo Plan (NCP) scholarship reception.
Vice-Chancellor Professor S Bruce Dowton and the Macquarie University Alumni office recently hosted US-based graduates at a reception event in New York.
Wherever you are on campus, you’re never far from a sculpture. But have you ever stopped to wonder how many sculptures Macquarie has, and when it all began?
The Vice-Chancellor’s updated website went live late last week and is the home for news about the Vice-Chancellor’s activities.
Almost 200 staff enjoyed a cuppa and cupcake for a gold coin donation, learning more about our multidisciplinary efforts to fight cancer and raising money for the Cancer Council.