Engineered for success

Last week our very own Professor Karu Esselle was named a 2016 IEEE Fellow, after being nominated for the prestigious position by his esteemed colleague Adjunct Professor Trevor Bird, former Chief Scientist of the CSIRO. He is the second IEEE Fellow in the Macquarie Department of Engineering, with the current Head of Department, Professor Iain Collings, having previously been accepted as an IEEE Fellow.

“Becoming an IEEE fellow is the dream of all top-performing professors in electronic and electrical engineering,” said Karu, who received the news last Tuesday evening.

After a rigorous evaluation by the IEEE (formerly the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) Fellow Committee, Karu was part of a select group to receive the honour. The announcement came after his election for the 2016 Chair of IEEE in New South Wales – the first time a Macquarie engineering academic has been elected to lead the association at the state level.

Presently leading a IEEE group that promotes professional engineering activities in remote areas, his new roles are sure to extend opportunities in providing leadership in the engineering field.

“As a Fellow and the new Chair of the IEEE in New South Wales, Professor Esselle will be able to practice his outstanding leadership on a wider scale, encouraging future engineers at Macquarie and other institutions to follow in his stead,” said Professor Barbara Messerle, Executive Dean of Science and Engineering.

Learn more about Karu’s research.