Fun runners David and Guie pictured here with Jim Lee (DVC International), Nicole Brigg (Director International) and the race mascot - a kangaroo!
Fun runners David and Guie pictured here with Jim Lee (DVC International), Nicole Brigg (Director International) and the race mascot - a kangaroo!

Fun run international

While at an international educators conference in San Diego last week, members of the Macquarie International (MI) team took time out to participate in a 5km fun run, with great results!

Six staff from MI were in San Diego last week for the Association of International Educators Annual Conference (NAFSA), an annual conference for international educators which attracts more than 10,000 University representatives from all over the world.

As part of the four-day conference, the Education Abroad Network, a study abroad partner of Macquarie, hosted a 5 km fun run that saw 120 participants raise $5000 for the Thai Freedom House;  a non-government, not-for-profit, language and arts community learning centre in Northern Thailand dedicated to assisting families and individuals who are refugees from Burma and members of minority groups of Thailand.

David Harrison (Regional Director, Pacific) and Guie Hartney (Regional Director, Latin America) were Macquarie’s representatives in the run and stepped up to the challenge with David finishing in second place, and Guie coming in third in the women’s category.