[Left] MUIC Director, Jake Garman. [Right] Orientation day for the first student intake.
[Left] MUIC Director, Jake Garman. [Right] Orientation day for the first student intake.

The doors are open

Today, following more than one year of planning and hard work, we opened our doors to the first students of the Macquarie University International College (MUIC).

MUIC Director, Jake Garman, said the College was extremely excited to welcome the eager group at their orientation last Wednesday 28 October.

“It is a great honour to be the pathway for this cohort of students as they embark on the beginning of their journey toward a Macquarie University degree,” says Jake. “We are delighted with the number and diversity of students who are in our first group”

In the first intake, the College will offer Foundation Programs to new students and also to students transitioning from the City Campus.

“On behalf of MUIC, thank you to everyone who has assisted, collaborated, and given their ongoing support and commitment to realising the College. We look forward to our official launch later next year when we will offer a full suite of pathway programs,” says Jake.