Temporary relocation of two Faculty of Science and Engineering departments

Correction following Monday 11 May email: Please note the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics have not been relocated and remain in E7A. They will be temporarily relocated from Monday 8 June.

As part of the broader Campus Renewal Project, Property and the Faculty of Science and Engineering have now embarked on the refurbishment of building E7A.

To enable this transformation, two departments will be temporarily relocated to the Australian Hearing Hub (AHH).

From Monday 11 May, the following departments and their research centres can be found on Level 2 of the AHH:

  • Environmental Sciences
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • ARC Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems (CCFS)
  • Risk Frontiers
  • ARIES: Australian Research Institute for Environment and Sustainability

Level 2 at AHH is accessible to visiting staff and students from 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday. Visitors are advised to call the person they are meeting via the phones provided at entry doors to the building.

Note: Staff phone extensions have not changed.