2015 IT Service Quality Survey

For the first time, Macquarie will participate in the annual Systems Thinking Australian and New Zealand University IT Service Quality Benchmark Project, which measures IT service quality and performance, and allows the opportunity to provide feedback on IT systems and services.

Results from the project will provide insight for participant universities and the whole university sector. It also provides individual performance metrics, allowing us to gauge our performance against our peers and understand the real cost of our service provision.

A link to the survey will be emailed from ‘ITSurvey’, for completion between Monday 16 March and Friday 27 March. You will not be asked to enter your OneID password.

On completion you will have the option to enter a random prize draw, with a chance of winning one of 10 Macquarie Centre Gift Cards with a value of either $100, $50 or $20.

The draw will take place on 10 April 2015.

Survey competition terms and conditions.

If you have concerns regarding the legitimacy of this survey contact the HelpDesk (help@mq.edu.au) or call 9850 1539.