Human Rights in Latin America Film Event, 2013
Human Rights in Latin America Film Event, 2013

Diversity grants in action

Do you have an idea for a project or event to promote and celebrate diversity and inclusion on campus? Diversity Grants of up to $5000 are available for all staff and students.

This initiative aims to build an inclusive and empowered University community in which student and staff diversity is valued, supported and celebrated. The scheme provides funds to implement projects and events which facilitate meaningful exploration of diversity and difference, and offers an opportunity to implement innovative and creative projects that could make a positive impact at Macquarie and beyond.

Diversity Grants scheme not only provides an opportunity to add social value to the work of your team or department; it also encourages productive cross-campus collaboration between staff, students and members of the wider community. Since its inception in 2012, Diversity Grants funded 20 projects that engaged over 3500 students, staff and community members in workshops, seminars, conferences, cultural celebrations, film festivals and mentoring programs.

If you have an idea for a project, no matter how different or ambitious it may seem, the Equity and Diversity Unit would love to hear from you!

For more information on the application and selection process, visit the Diversity Grants website or contact Svetlana Martynovich

Applications close on Friday 30 May.

Diversity Grant Example
Human Rights in Latin America Film Event

Associate Professor Estela Valverde, Department of International Studies, has been a Diversity Grant recipient in the past two years for her Human Rights in Latin America Film Event. Run in conjunction with annual Sydney Latin American Film Festival it was created with the intention to educate, entertain and foster interest in the diverse ways of life in Latin America.

Topical films on different aspects of human rights affecting Latin America were selected for the events and a panel of experts were also present for a post-screening discussions.

The aim of the discussions was to extend the audience’s knowledge of the subject and allow them to participate in the constructive debate within and between Australia’s and Latin America’s diverse communities on a range of human rights issues.

The event is also complementary to the Latin American Studies units and provides a forum in which Macquarie University students can extend their understanding of Latin America and its people.

“The Human Rights in Latin America Film Event raises community awareness”, says Estela, “It enables us to promote social inclusion and intercultural dialogue within the department and at Macquarie University”.