[L-R] Professor David Christian with Bill Gates. Photo: Mark Peterson.
[L-R] Professor David Christian with Bill Gates. Photo: Mark Peterson.

In the media

TV, radio, print and online – our researchers share their expertise and profile their recent work across a range of media outlets. Here are some examples from the last month. Sign up to our daily media report to get regular updates directly to your inbox.

Professor David Christian, Big History
As the intellectual birthplace of Big History, the origins of the Big History Institute and Big History Project can be seen at Macquarie University in the work of Professor David Christian. Since capturing the interest of Bill Gates, the interdisciplinary approach to historical study has spread to schools, universities, TEDx talks, the Vivid festival and the History Channel. The New York Times recently wrote an extensive piece on how it all came about.

More coverage below.

Professor Simon George and Sarah Houlahan, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Professors George and Houlahan recently joined a team of geologists to explore the Arkaroola region in search of stromatolite fossils, which are suspected to be the world’s earliest examples of life on earth. ABC North and West SA reported at length on their mission, which also included testing a Mars rover prototype. Fairfax Science columnist Peter Spinks accompanied the team and has published a feature piece including video, graphics and a photo gallery.

More coverage below.

Professor John Boyages, Australian School of Advanced Medicine
Professor Boyages maintains a regular presence in the media, providing expertise on a variety of breast cancer topics. Most recently, he has spoken with ABC Radio National Life Matters about treating pre-cancerous conditions, following the launch of his book, DCIS of the Breast: Taking Control. He also spoke on Channel 7 Sunrise about double mastectomies and how they may not increase women’s chances of survival, according to new research. Professor Boyages also shares many of these media items on Facebook.

More coverage below.