Digital record enhancements

Coursework students who started their studies this year are the first cohort to have a student digital file from enrolment.

“The digital file process begins at student enrolment and allows for improved access and record sharing in the future,” said Lachlan Morgan, Records and Archives Manager at Macquarie Memory. “This is an important milestone for Macquarie that moves us further into the digital age.”

Developed by Digital Lifecycle Manager Dr Chi Nguyen, digital files are created automatically when student related material is generated electronically or via the Student Services desk.

“Student record metadata is continually kept in sync via integration with Dataswitch, a system that disseminates authoritative information about students from AMIS,” said Dr Nguyen. “This ensures records are detailed, timely and accurate throughout a student’s lifecycle.”

In addition to the creation of new records for staff and students starting in 2014, SPI have assisted several areas in the digitisation of their physical archives.

“So far we have digitised more than 1800 Higher Degree Research student records, and more than 1000 MGSM student records,” said Dr Nguyen. “All files are now indexed, searchable (including full-text) and are fully secure, with a full audit log of any access and changes made.”

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This project supports strategic priority 7: Improving those aspects of our support services to realise this aspiration and vision of Our University: A Framing of Futures.