The Crunch team serving up tomato soup on the first day of the 'soup season' last Monday
The Crunch team serving up tomato soup on the first day of the 'soup season' last Monday

Soup scoop!

Welcome back soup lovers!

The soup season started last Monday and first on the menu was none other than the most-loved soup from winter 2013 – roast tomato.

A week of popular flavours (including at least one sell-out!) in week one has had the Atrium buzzing and Executive Chef, Peter Brewty, has promised there are some exciting surprises to come in this winter’s menu.

Running the soup kitchen means producing 150 litres of soup per day; that’s enough to fill a small bath tub! In 2013, the team were serving over 4000 portions of soup every month and expect to be just as busy this year.

It was a tightly contested championship last winter for the top spot and with a few new flavours yet to emerge Chef expects this winter to be another close race for the golden ladle.

If you’re new to Macquarie and have no idea what all the fuss is about, head on down to the Atrium (Level O, Campus Hub) between 11am and 2.30pm every weekday to experience the soup de jour. The This Week team promise you won’t be disouppointed.

Want the soup scoop before everybody else? Email Peter to get the coming week’s menu and keep up to date with soup news, or check out the menu online.