Launches, fundraisers, awards and more! Here are some of the photographic highlights from the last few weeks.

Launches, fundraisers, awards and more! Here are some of the photographic highlights from the last few weeks.
Congratulations to Laura Heron, Linda Kerr, Collette Ryan and Vasantha Saparamadu on being elected as representatives on the committee.
Yesterday we launched our new public website To mark the occasion, staff are invited to explore the site for their chance to explore the world with Lonely Planet.
Fresh local produce, cooking workshops, recipes and cheap ready-made meals have found a new home on campus.
The installation of a boom gate on Gymnasium Road, past the Lighthouse Theatre driveway, will commence on Monday 19 October.
Dr Carlo Bradac will discuss the latest advances in science and technology, and define the role of scientific research in tackling the major global challenges of our society.
Information Technology are running a week of hints and tips to help protect your personal and financial information online.
Find out who the survey winners are and sign up to join the Office 365 ambassador network.
The indigenous-themed event is on tomorrow and it’s not too late to join the stroll around campus and get a free lunch!
Professor Michael Heimlich is up for a GEDC Airbus Diversity Award for his work in leading the FIRST program, which brings robotics to women, rural/regional schools and under-represented groups.
Prestigious Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) honour bestowed to Associate Professor Andrew Georgiou, Australian Institute of Health Innovation.
With considerable regret, I write to inform you Dr Paul Schreier has tendered his resignation as the Chief Operating Officer.