HRH visited Macquarie University Hospital last Thursday to meet leading surgeon Munjed Al Muderis and osseointegration surgery patient, Lieutenant Alistair Spearing.

HRH visited Macquarie University Hospital last Thursday to meet leading surgeon Munjed Al Muderis and osseointegration surgery patient, Lieutenant Alistair Spearing.
The release of a new Policy Framework will support effective decision-making across the University.
The Macquarie University International College is on track to offer pathway students the full Macquarie experience.
From Monday 11 May, the Departments of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, and their research centres can be found on Level 2 of the Australian Hearing Hub.
Staff are invited to join the Macquarie University Singers to perform during an upcoming concert in July.
Applications for academic promotion to levels B, C and D close on 1 June at 5pm. Find out how to apply and register for an information session.
Dr Shirley Chan is uncovering the mysteries of texts lost for more than 2000 years, and is sharing her discoveries with the BBC.
Dr Ross MacKenzie and Professor Wendy Rogers discuss the methods recommended by GPs on how to quit smoking.
Macquarie University is involved in litigation with the Macquarie University Postgraduate Representative Association (MUPRA).
You’re invited to join Professor Pretorius for an update on the implementation of the Strategic Research Framework
Book launches, movie screenings, fundraising and more! Here are some of the photographic highlights from the last few weeks.
Take part in Earth Care Month at Macquarie and you could win dinner for two at Billy Kwong.