Access to most University systems and websites, OneNet WiFi and telephones will be intermittent or unavailable periodically during this time.
Monthly Archives: May 2015
Mac.iLab soon to retire
Due to the limited use of Mac.iLab, it will be removed from the iLab offering on Sunday 24 May 2015.
TEQSA New Guidance Notes consultation
Staff are invited to review the new TEQSA Guidance Notes and provide their feedback.
You’re invited: The official opening of University Avenue
Attend the official opening of University Avenue and welcome His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Governor of New South Wales, to the University on Friday 5 June.

Royal recognition for Macquarie student
Congratulations to Faculty of Arts student Morgan Leon Foulsham on being awarded the prestigious Crown Princess Mary Scholarship.

Celebrating diversity and inclusion with pride
Share in the celebrations of IDAHOT Day this Wednesday 20 May.
Review of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students and Registrar) portfolio
Help shape the future direction of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students and Registrar) Portfolio .
Temporary restrictions to car park entrances
From 18 to 22 May, access to the entrances of car parks X3, W4, F5A and Y2A will be affected to make repairs to damaged sections of road.
2015 IT Service Quality Benchmark survey results
Find out how Macquarie rated in the recent Australian and New Zealand University IT Service Quality Benchmark Project.

Campus connections
New initiative engages our brightest students with the opportunity to network and celebrate their achievements.

Inspiring academics
Inspiring students for a life in science was the aim of the day for four of our academics.

A warming winter delight
Before the Soup Kitchen returns this winter, try Staff Café Chef Manager, Housien Koussan’s spicy curried lentil soup at home.