When he’s not raising money for a good cause or hosting the happiest day of a person’s life, Tanveer Shaheed is delivering our story across the globe.

When he’s not raising money for a good cause or hosting the happiest day of a person’s life, Tanveer Shaheed is delivering our story across the globe.
The implementation of our University-wide 10-year rejuvenation and renewal plan will launch 9 June.
An MGSM and FBE research paper has received more than 1000 citations, ranking it one of the top-cited papers in business of all time.
Last year the annual MND Gala raised $300,000. Can you help us top that this year as we raise much-needed funds to support care and research?
Macquarie Drive and Eastern Road are now closed to general traffic, and all traffic and bus stops have been relocated to University Avenue.
From 5pm Wednesday 27 May both systems will be unavailable. Staff are advised to complete any processes or actions related to these systems prior to this time.
From Friday 22 May the way you check spam, and the way your emails are archived will change.
ARIA award-winning singer-songwriter Josh Pyke shared industry insights with students during his time as 2015 Artist in Residence.
Dr Annabelle Lukin shares her views on the Treasurer’s recent federal budget speech.
A recent lymphoedema forum brought together global experts to discuss best practices for patient outcomes and care.
The implementation of initiatives from Our University: A Framing of Futures continues in 2015 with a number of projects completed with many others making steady progress.
Macquarie LEAP-links program gives teachers from the Central West the chance to learn the basics of robotic programming.