Researchers from the National Acoustic Laboratories are seeking participants to take part in a study about hearing loss.
Monthly Archives: April 2015
Academic promotion applicant information sessions
Academic staff who are considering applying for a promotion are invited to learn more at upcoming information sessions.
Student System (AMIS), eStudent, eApplications and eAcademic downtime
Several student systems will be unavailable from 5pm Friday 24 April to prepare for their weekend upgrade. Find out how this may affect you.

The end of another ERA
Our research champions have again come together to complete our 2015 Excellence in Research for Australia submission, and the team is confident our hard work will be reflected in the results.

It’s a wrap for April Graduations
Students, staff, an Olympian and a Wiggle shared the stage during the April graduation series.
International Student Barometer Survey – now open
If you have contact with international students, encourage them to complete this important benchmarking survey.

For all the butternuts
From sharing salad recipes to great specials, the Staff Café always has something new to offer.
2015 IT Service Quality Benchmark survey prize draw winners
Find out who our winning staff and students are.

From the Moon to Macquarie
New night, new format and new line up of entertainment. Make it a night at the movies with Movies at Macquarie – back for 2015!

Macquarie’s green building excellence
The Australian Hearing Hub has kept its green building design promise after receiving a national energy rating award.

Scholarly connections
Our Merit Scholars Program has more than doubled since 2014, connecting our brightest students with mentoring and development opportunities.

Battle of Gallipoli centenary honoured
Open now: Macquarie’s Art Gallery features an exhibition capturing the spirit of the soldiers who fought at Gallipoli Cove during World War I.