Research participant call out

The Centre for Emotional Health is offering staff and their families the opportunity to participate in a number of research projects.

Chilled Plus Online Program
Chilled Plus is an online treatment program for adolescents (12 – 17 years) with anxiety and depression, and includes eight online modules, accompanied by a weekly 30-minute phone call with a trained therapist. Adolescents will learn creative ways to manage emotions and accomplish immediate goals.

For more information contact

Thinking Styles in Children
Parents/carers and children (7 to 12 years) are invited to participate in a project on thinking styles in children and their relationship with the development of anxiety and depression.

Both parents and children who participate are required to complete a separate questionnaire on campus and will take up to an hour for both to complete. Appointments are recommended. Participating families who attend receive a $30 reimbursement for their time.

For more information contact Natasha Reyes (

Cognitive Process and Mood States
Participants are required to complete two questionnaires over two separate sessions one week apart. Session one (on campus) requires 25 minutes of your time, and session two (from home) only 10 minutes. Participants who complete both questionnaire sessions receive a $20 reimbursement for their time.

For more information contact Natasha Reyes (