Brian with partner Josephine Trinh.
Brian with partner Josephine Trinh.

60 seconds with…

Brian Seeto | Project Officer, Shared Identity

How long have you been at Macquarie?
Yikes, I just counted – three years.

How do you get to campus?
By car, and it takes up to an hour each way.

What is your favourite thing about working at Macquarie?
The campus and the people I work with.

Where is your favourite place to spend a spare five minutes at Macquarie?
On a sunny day, walking between the Marketing Unit and the Campus Hub along Wally’s Walk. There is something refreshing about the cool breeze, the light shining through the trees and the crunch of the leaves.

What was your earliest childhood career aspiration?
A chef, of all things: I grew up in a small and very close-knit community and most of the socialising revolved around mealtimes and delicious food. The weekend usually consisted of a Friday night outing at the golf country club, Saturday night dinner at a family friend’s or relative’s house (if not hosting) and then a Sunday picnic barbeque. Cooking always seemed so much fun …that was until I met my year nine hospitality teacher. I don’t think I’ve met an unhappier person in my life.

What are the biggest misconceptions about your profession?
I’d like to think that there are no misconceptions. I’m pretty much an open book.

In your job, what question are you most often asked?
When is the next presentation? Can I be added to the mailing list?

If you didn’t work in marketing, what would you do?
I’d be a bartender. I was at a crossroads prior to my fulltime post here, and had worked for a number of years in the hospitality industry.

What is your favourite film, book or TV show?
There are too many to name and I’m completely dependent on the mood I’m in at any given time. I’m currently assisting with a photo shoot for the Shared Identity Project, and I’m quite fond of Zoolander. ‘Hansel, he’s so HOT right now!’

What would you want to learn if given the chance to learn it instantly?
As a kid I would have told you to fly or to be invisible. My siblings bought me a guitar as a birthday present a few years ago and I would love to learn how to play it, and well preferably.

Something not many people know about me is…
I grew up on the small island of Rabaul in the East New Britain province of Papua New Guinea.

What is one piece of technology you can’t live without?
I would say my iPhone. With its camera I’m able to capture both the mundane and the incredible moments of my life. It also allows me to stay in touch with the people who I care about the most.

What were you doing before you started these questions?
I was on location for day three of a photo shoot in the Macquarie University Hospital for the Shared Identity project.

Find out more about the Shared Identity project.